The Girl Is Mine

Skeletons Are Everywhere.


Livy crouched low to the floor and tapped her hand against the carpet to the beat. She began singing as she stood up and continued to sing into her hair brush. She was so happy. The night before had been so amazing... They talked for hours. Each word that spilled from his lips was like candy filling the air, the little bubbles of sweet taste bursting around her head. Each sound was a symphony that only his lips could speak.

She was dressed and ready to work. The diner didn't seem dismal anymore, it seemed like a bright and happy place to work in.

She was so excited, she was actually bouncing. Her day couldn't start fast enough.

She quietly took a seat and looked at the clock. She had been restless all night after her date and she couldn't help it. It was 3:47 in the morning, and she had almost 4 hours until work.

She swayed from side to side, humming. She flicked the CD off in her player and went to her bedroom, rolling over on the comforter. She yawned and closed her eyes.

If only for a moment... I'll get up in a minute...

Her alarm clock was suddenly in her ear. She jumped up and checked the time... "THIRTY MINUTES LATE?!" she screamed as she ran downstairs.

Her feet hit the ground dramatically as she grabbed her purse and ran outside... Then she proceeded to fall over right onto the sidewalk as Alex was walking towards her apartment.

Her face was bleeding from the abrasion on her left cheek. She brought her hand up to it and curled up on the cement. "Owww," she moaned, "That hurt!"

Alex helped her up and grinned at her clumsiness. "Do you want to go back in and clean that up? Then you can go to the diner..."

"Yeah," she sighed, "That'd be nice."

The ascended the steps and Alex went into the freezer, pulling out a compress to put onher face.

She looked like a child, staring wide-eyed, amazed by his silent movements. She held the ice to her face and watched as he walked to the bathroom to get peroxide. She felt just like a kid again, being cared for like that.

"This will only sting a little," He said with a grin.

And she knew the word for how she felt just then.


You Know I Love You Too Much
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I liked this chapter.