The Many Tales Of A Chemical Romance

The Road To Recovery

We all squeezed into the car. Mikey, Ray, Frank and I sat in the back as Gerard drove and Bob chilled in front. The ride back to the Paramour was quiet. I had my head on Mikey's shoulder the whole time. As we pulled into the Mansion's lot, Gerard pushed the doorbell to open the gate. We all filed out of the car and back into the Mansion. I held Mikey's hand and he held tighter.

"You alright?" I whispered.

"I guess..." he whispered back.

I looked down and he held me close. He kissed my head and I glanced up at him.

"I'll be fine..." he whispered.

I nodded and sighed as we walked in.

*One Month To The CD Release Party (Late August 2006)*

After spending time in the Mansion, the record was finished. We arrived to the photo shoot where friends and family came to see us. We waled onto the set through the back entrance. Everyone in the band was there, except the Way brothers. The set was old fashioned looking and was going to be used for promotional posters and the inside of the CD booklet. It reminded me of an old movie set. Frank, Ray and Bob had to g into costume and makeup, when the side door opened. I glanced over to see Frank's girlfriend Maia, Bob's girlfriend Jen and Ray's girlfriend Krista walk onto the set. Maia and Frank have been together for the past year. Ray and Krista started dating a few months ago, just like Bob and Jen. I stood up and gave each of them a hug, when the side door opened once more. I glanced over to see a woman, around my age...maybe a little older, walk in. She looked a bit confused and lost. The girls all headed over to the set to examine it as I walked over to the confused girl.

"Hey...can I help you?"

"Hi...I'm looking for my boyfriend..." she replied.

"Oh...what's his name?"

"Gerard, Gerard Way?"

"I know him...I'm actually the girlfriend of his younger brother."

"You're Kate?"

"Yeah..." I replied in a bit of shock.

"Gerard's told me so much about you and Mikey...I'm sorry about his little breakdown."

"He's been recovering rapidly each day. I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name..."

"OH! How rude of me. I'm Christina, Tina for short." she smiled.

"Nice to meet you."

At that moment, the door opened again with two hooded men wearing sunglasses. I figured they were part of the crew, so I looked over towards the set.


We both looked over to see one of the men running over to us. He wrapped his arms around Tina and kissed her.

"Hey baby...where have you been?" Tina asked.

"I'm sorry. I had an appointment to attend to with my baby brother."

"It's okay..." she smiled.

"Gee...I'm gonna head to the back room."

"Alright, Mike..." replied Gerard, removing his hood and glasses.

I glanced over to see a newly bleached headed Gerard Way. I automatically walked over to get a better look.

"Gee...What?" I asked.

"What? Frank isn't the only one who likes to change his look."

"It's different....that's for sure." I laughed.

"Please...just look at your boyfriend."

I turned to see Mikey or at least he was referred to as Mikey by Gerard. He stood there, short brown hair...vacant glasses?

"Hey..." he said quietly.

"Hi..." I smiled weakly.

"What do you think?" he questioned.

"You look great!" I kissed his cheek.


I nodded when Frank and Bob walked out.

"Gee...Mike...they need you two in...WHOA!" exclaimed Frank.

We all looked over at him and laughed.


"What? asked Mikey and Gerard at the same time.

"When?" confirmed Frank.

"Today" said Gerard.

"Before the shoot." replied Mikey.

"Why?" asked Frank.

"New look..."

"Sick of my glasses."

"Oh...okay..." said Frank a little uneasy.

Frank just shook his head and walked over to the set.

"They need you guys in costume and makeup ASAP!" Ray stated.

"Alright..." replied Gerard.

"Costumes?" Mikey questioned.

"Our 'Black Parade' costumes." answered Bob, fixing his jacket.

Mikey sighed and went into the next room. Gerard followed him and twenty-five minutes later they both walked out looking like soldiers. All five of them walked over and began to take photos. Meanwhile, Maia, Krista, Jen, Tina and I all sat behind and watched them. They really seemed to be enjoying the process mainly because of Frank's idiotic jokes. Once they finished, Gerard didn't want to change.

"You have to...we're all going out to dinner." Tina complained.

"I know, but it's so COMFY!"

"C'mon bro, we gotta get going!" yelled Mikey.

"Fine..." he sighed.

They both walked into the dressing room to change. When everyone was finished, we ended up taking five separate cars. A couple in each car. Mikey got into the driver's side of his 2005 Lexus and I got into the Passenger. He smiled and we followed everyone out to the restaurant.
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