The Many Tales Of A Chemical Romance

Does anyone notice there's a corpse in this bed?

I wanted to sleep in for New Years day. I was over tired from the excitement of the night before. I awoke to th amazing smell of morning breakfast. I stretched and looked over to the clock which read 10:06 am. I sat up and glanced down at my left hand. Placed on my ring finger was a brand new 14 carat diamond with four small Aquamarine stones surrounding it. I yawned and got up to walk into the kitchen, where Mikey had his back turned. The smell of eggs and bacon filled the room. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Good hungry?"

I looked over his shoulder to see the wonderful preparation he was making. He looked back at me and kissed my cheek. I smiled and rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"What's with the occasion?" I asked.

"I can't make breakfast for the woman I love who is going to become my wife?"

I laughed lightly and kissed his neck. He continued to make the eggs as I walked over and sat at the counter. Mikey and I were staying at Gerard's apartment. Tina was slowly moving in with him day by day. We ended up crashing there for the night. Mikey turned with two plates full of food. He walked around the counter and sat next to me.

"Here you go..." whispered Mikey, placing the plate down.

"Thanks..." I smiled.

"Any left overs?"

We both looked over to see Gerard standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, there's more on the stove." replied Mikey.

"Ooooo!" Gerard said excitedly.

We watched as he went over and poured himself a cup of coffee. He then sat on the other side of me, when Mikey's cell went off.

"Hello?" he answered.

I looked over at him and he looked away.

"Alright...yeah we'll be over...just breathe!"

He hung up the cell and got up. I could tell that he was worried as he rushed over to the closet for his jacket.

"What's going on?" Gerard asked.

"Mom...she's on the way to the hospital."

"WHAT?!" yelled Gerard, getting up and grabbing his jacket.

I went into the spare room, where I had previously slept to grab my shoes and sweatshirt. We then got into the car and drove to CLARA MAASS MEDICAL CENTER in Belleville. Gerard called Tina to tell her to meet us at our destination. Once we arrived, Mikey parked the car and we all rushed to the door. The woman at the counter told us to wait in the waiting room. I hated waiting rooms...too many memories crossed my mind. We entered the room to see Handsome Don and Tina waiting there. Tina got up and hugged Gerard. i sat down next to Handsome Don, who was staring at the ground. Mikey sat on the other side of me.

"Handsome Don?" Tina questioned.

He looked up with red irritated eyes.

"Are you going to be okay?"

He nodded silently. I looked over at Mikey who wrapped an arm around me. Gerard began to pace when Tina went over and hugged him.

"Family of Mrs. Donna Lee Way?" said a nurse who walked into the room.

We all nodded and stood together.

"Come with me..."

We followed the nurse into a small singular room. Momma Way was laying in a bed next to the window, in the corner. I followed Mikey in whiled holding his hand.

"The doctor will be in here shortly..." stated the nurse.

"Thank you." replied Handsome Don.

He then walked over to the bed. Gerard and Tina walked over to the window. Mikey began to walk into the room more, but I couldn't.

"What's wrong?" he whispered.

"Flashbacks..." I replied quietly.

"It's alright...I'm here."

I looked up at him and closed my eyes. Flashbacks of him lying in the bed played out in my mind as if it was actually occurring. I shook my head and opened my eyes to look towards the ground. Mikey wrapped his arms around me.

"Too much...I can't handle it..." I murmured.

"Alright...stand out in the hallway with me." he replied.

I continued to look at the ground, when he helped me out of the room. I leaned against the wall.

"You want something to drink?" asked Mikey.

I shook my head. I felt sick inside and didn't think I could handle it.

"She alright?" said Tina coming out of the room.

"I...I can't stay here..." I whispered.

Mikey looked at me and nodded. Tina sighed and nodded as well.

"I can drive you back to the apartment to get some rest..." she stated.

I looked up at her and nodded. She smiled and went into the room to tell Gerard.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Mikey questioned.

I shook my head as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I want you to stay here with your mom." I replied.

He nodded as Tina walked out.

"You ready?" she asked.

I nodded and gave Mikey a kiss. I then followed Tina towards the exit as Mikey walked into the room with his dad and brother.

"I hate hospitals." stated Tina as we got out into the fresh air. "They give me the creeps..."

I laughed lightly and got into the car to head back to the apartment.