Legend of Cynder

I've always been a fan of Cynder from The Legend of Spyro. I've drawn her, played her and studied her for awhile. I just love her character. Now it's time to try a fanfic of her life.
Some things may contradict what was in the games. Please don't complain.
You will NOT need to know anything from the games other then that they are all Dragons. Places will be discribed and other characters will too. If you know about them, then some things will be unfamiliar, and some will be. Some names will be changed.


(All material of The Legend of Spyro belongs to/copyright to it's respective owners, I take no credit for any characters or pieces of the setting. Some material has been made up by me. Some city names have been changed but all Spyro material again belongs to it's respective owners, this is just a fanfiction written by me.)
  1. Prolouge
    The Begining, Malefor's POV