Legend of Cynder


''The day has finally come, dragon.'' A dark voice came from a pitch black corner of a cavern, glowing red eyes with dark slits in them blinked into light from the corner, ''Rise, Cynder.'' The dark hiss spat out.
A slender fragile looking dragon sleaked into the spotlight of the ancient cavern crypt circle. She bowed her head to the dark shadow.
''What have you brought for me?'' The dark voice asked the fully grown female dragon.
The figure dropped a blue horn down on the ancient crypt, ''A horn, the horn of Cyril.'' She said keeping her head bowed yet flashing her proud aqua green eyes up at her master.
A small cackle came from the dark dragon, ''Well done, Cynder. My magic has served you well. Alas, a horn is a proud token, but you have yet to show your full potencial.'' He said, any dragon with ears could hear the evil plans he had, it flowing throughout the sharp voice.
''That is all.'' He finished before swishing around back, not even his glowing red eyes were visible.
Cynder slowly lifted her head, ''Yes. Dark Master.'' She said even if he couldn't hear her. She turned around and walked out of the ancient circle and up some rough rocky paths. She stopped while accending on one of them. Her orange paw pads flattened on the ground and her pearl white claws dug into the dirt. ''Majias.'' She hissed down to a former level at a dark blue dragon, with a brown center to him, ''Cynder.'' The dragon greeted back, more with a proud laugh then a hiss.
Cynder spun around, her purplish-black coat mixed with a bright orange under turned to face him. She had cuffs around her wrists, magic stone which restored her powers quicker, there was one on her tail and around her neck, her right shoulder and forhead bared the marks of The Dark Master. Her tail was razor blade ended, like a spear.
Majias smiled, ''Nice to see you too.'' He said flying up to her. ''Way to go on Cyril's horn by the way.'' He congraulated, walking beside her as she kept her head high and moved upward.
Cynder rolled her eyes contining up the ramp like pathways. ''No thanks to you.'' She said flapping out one of her wings, the bones inbetween the skin were black and relativly evil looking if you will, the skin had hole patches here and there, and was a bright orange which slowly faded to black as it reached the top center, where two more razor like horns were tipped.
Majias frowned, ''Aww come on Cimmmiii.'' He pleaded her slinking beside her, avoiding her wing, ''So I left you there with the four dragon leaders, who hasn't done that. It's not like you died.
Cynder bared her teeth to him as a warning, she cornered him agenst the wall, ''You were a selfish asshole who left me there to die then to come back for my own collar.'' She said, the stone collar glowing a bright green with her anger.
Majias pleaded, ''Come on, hear me out over a nice mole snack.'' He said showing her the food pile, where the moles of dragon city were laying, dead. The day's hunting was well worth the wait.
Cynder growled, but agreed.
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Prolouge over, comments would be nice, meh loves feedback.