Letters To Rae Rae

January Seventeenth, 2009

Dear Rae Rae,

David's probably coming over tomorrow!! YAY!! He never called me today though. Which is sad. But he had like a wrestling meet thingy so he's probably tired. Don't blame him if he is. I'd be like...dead. Haha.

I finished my epithet! It's on my twitter, so you can go look. (Kaitlin_Kidd) It's so pretty! I've got a lyric from Hands Held High by Linkin park on it...

"My brother had a book he would hold with pride,
A little red cover and a broken spine.
On the back, he hand wrote a quote inside;
'When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.'"

Then it had a purple butterfly for you, a pink and black peace sign, a pink radio with a rock on hand coming from it with music notes around it, then a microphone that has 'Kaitlin, Lover of Words' coming from it. I love it! I hope I get all fifty points. That'd be awesome. Extra credit at the beginning of the nine weeks. Oh yeah! Haha.

I'm listening to Scream by Avenged Sevenfold right now. I was really hyper, because I got my hair cut and it's super cute, but now I'm so tired. I just want to wait until tomorrow to finish my chores. I don't have that many; just hang up some clothes, take my dirty clothes downstairs, and vacuum my room. Not too bad. I can do it before David comes over. I'm also straightening my hair, the girl did it with just a blow dryer and a brush and I was like dang. That looks amazing.

It's really cold in my room. Either that or it's just because its like zero outside(no joke, it is) and I'm in short shorts, and camisole and knee socks. Haha. I look ah-mazing as Amanda would put it. Speaking of which she ran out of minutes on her phone. I can't text her for a while. That sucks. She just got minutes too...

No one will text me back. I texted like four people and only one texted me back, and when I replied back, she never did. Lindsey. Oh wait, she may be with Beans. Haha, probably is. They were going to go see The Unborn. That movie looks SO scary, it's not even funny. Just seeing the preview makes me scared. Haha.

Well, I'm going to bed. I'm so tired.
With love XOXO,