Letters To Rae Rae

January Sixth, 2009

Dear Rae Rae,

Welp, I just got home from Wal-Mart. It really wasn't crazy there for once, which I thought was amazing. But my jeans and socks are soaked. At least my Ray Toro shirt isn't wet. I'd die. Haha. Torosaurus is the best. And only one person today knew who he really was. Nick...in French. He was like is that Ray Toro? I was like YEAH! I LOVE HIM! Haha. David was like...alright?

But, just to make Noah mad, I went to talk to my friends that were like five feet from him, and I went to walk off from Shane and he pulled my backpack, causing me to almost fall backwards. I screamed, and Noah whipped around. I was like dude...ew. Haha. Then he started talking to Lindsey and she got mad. Then we all got in a big circle and started pushing each other...we pretty much made a mini mosh pit. Noah wouldn't stop staring at me. It made me REALLY mad. I'm still mad, but I can't help but feel bad for him. It's just not in me to be one hundred percent mean. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. And I do want to, but I can't. Gr.

I got my Algebra grade today. I have an A+ in the class, and I got a B on the semester exam. I say I did pretty good! Haha, Dad was like I think you can do better. An A+ just doesn't cut it. Haha. I have Algebra homework to finish too...darn. It's pretty much the same as last nights. Super easy, but takes forever.

Yummy candy. I've been munching on chocolate ALL day. And I had like a whole plate of pizza rolls. I'm officially doing my biography thingamabob on Tim Burton. I'm excited. He's so cool! Gerard Way is cooler though...I really wish I could've done him. Oh my gosh, wouldn't it be great if I could get him to like...come to class? I'd be like well...I didn't read the book, but I interviewed the person...is it okay if he comes in? WHOA! I'd pass out before I'd do anything else.

Well I'm going to get off here. That was pretty much my day.

With love XOXO,