Such a Lovely Boy

I'm The Kind of Kid That Can't Let Anything Go


“Who is he anyway?” Ryan asked as I tossed the phone on the ground. I paused...who is Frank?
“Just a friend” I replied quickly, not really knowing if I was lying or not. It’s not really a lie if you don’t know the truth, right?
“He seems nice” Ryan murmured, sounding sleepy as he crawled into bed.
“Yeah...he is” I whispered, not really to anyone in particular.
“Hey, Ryan...” I said after a while.
“Mhm?” Ryan replied turning to face me.
“What’s your job?” I asked. His face went pale.
“I don’t have one” he replied quickly, facing away from me.
“You ‘work’. I heard you say on the phone” I continued, determined to find out what was with him.
“I don’t want to talk about that” Ryan bluntly said.
“Alright, if you say so” I knew when to stand my ground and when to just shut up.


“Morning sunshine” Ryan grinned standing over me. I winced as he opened the curtains, light streaming though.

“I’m gonna kill you” I yelled, making no effort to move.

“You have to get out of bed to do that” he beamed, eyes twinkling.

“Or you could come over here so I could kill you” I whined back, hating the sun for shining so freaking brightly.

“Pfft, you just want me in bed” Ryan laughed, playfully.

“You wish” I replied watching him run around the room.

“Maybe” he responded with a wicked expression on his face, “Come on, the bus will at the interchange thingy soon”

“Five more minutes” I complained like a kid not wanting to go to school.

He leapt on the bed and pounced on my stomach, still grinning like a Cheshire cat.
“We can catch the later bus if we really want” I offered any excuse not to have to move from the warm bed.

Ryan didn’t reply he just sat on me with a sulky look on his face and, well like I said, he has a face you just can’t say no to.

“Fine” I sighed. He clapped his hands, like a kid happy to get their own way.



“Morning” I said as charming as I could manage to the grouchy lady in the ticket booth at the bus depo. She grunted back in an if-you’re-not-here-to-buy-a-ticket-get-lost kind of way.

“I was wondering, did you see a boy here a couple of nights ago – well, Wednesday to be more precise” I asked, hopeful she’d seen Pete.

“I’ve seen heaps of kids here at night” she said flatly.

“Oh, yeah, of course,” I laughed nervously, “Um, he’s 18, black hair with a side swept fringe, he had black jeans and a blue tee shirt and-”

“Yeah, I think I remember him” she cut in

“Really, oh that’s great” I replied, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted.

“Yeah, he was here with another boy, I thought it was a girl until he spoke” she chuckled.

“Uh, you don’t know where they went do you?” I pleaded, hopefully.

“I can check the tickets we sold, it won’t be precise but we didn’t sell heaps of tickets that night” she said, lightening up a little.

I chewed my lip anxiously, waiting for her to check the computer.

“Here we go, two tickets to Las Vegas Bus Interchange on 54th Street. That’s the only pair of tickets sold at this terminal on Wednesday night when I was working”

“Oh thank-you so much ma’am” I said gratefully.

“No problem, darl” she replied before going back to filing her fuchsia-pink nails.


“Hey Gee” I said standing on his porch, “If my mom asks, I’m here ok”

“Uh, ok?” he replied, with a what-the-fuck look on his face

“Where are you going, anyway?” Alicia asked, indicating at my bag with a black-painted fingernail.

“Vegas” I replied simply, adjusting the bag on my shoulder.

My heart is the worst kind of
~ Fall Out Boy [who were
amazing Thursday night <33333333