Status: .::Active::.

It's in Our Blood

Carlisle Cullen

Wait let’s rewind for a minute. In the past two months, Nyx and I moved to Forks, Washington. A supposed quiet calm, more isolated town with an insignificant sized population that housed gifted vampires. For the two months in the summer we’ve spent, we were easily able to elude them and avoid any possibilities of potential conflicts. However on the first day of school, it feels like a million weeks have passed by.

On one day, we learned many different “secrets,” I guess you could call it, about this town. The vampires hang out and even date humans that just happen to have intoxicating blood; they are a coven who probably shares the same vampiric venom. There are currently five of them attending a human populated school and weirdly enough, they do not associate themselves with anyone. But, there are many different exceptions that go with it.

Isabella Swan is a human shield who smells exhilarating. Her mind is one of the strongest I’ve ever felt. She knows about vampires and causes a lot of conflict between human and vampire correlation. Bella is a kind, awkward, quirky girl who happens to be a trouble magnet. Most of all, she is dating a vampire. And according to the both of them, they would die for each other as they proclaim they love each other. However from those proclamations, I can not determine the truth behind it because of the huge mosaic of emotions they each possess.

There’s more. There are a lot of mishaps that occurred in the morning. Nyx’s mind has been assaulted by some sort of telepathic gift of a certain Edward Cullen. Said Edward Cullen threatened Nyx and I based on theorized conclusions claiming we should “stay away or else” in which Nyx brutally retaliated and giving her word that she will mess with Edward. Thus the conversation ends in fuming rage on both ends.

Alice Cullen disregards her brother’s heed and decides to befriend us anyway. Keep on reading, I’m almost done rewinding. She invites us to hang out with her after messing with our work schedule so we could hang out. Although right before we meet up with her, we’ve stumbled upon a rather hushed but not so private conversation between Edward and Alice in the halls. And being the curious hybrids we are, we eavesdropped. I know you do too so you don’t get to judge.

This conversation revealed many things. Alice is a clairvoyant, a seer, psychic, diviner, medium, whatever you want to call it. The point is she sees and that’s a frightening, strong gift for anyone to possess. What she saw about us is we, or Nyx more specifically tries to save Bella from looming death. Death that is caused by werewolves… So not only are there gifted vampires residing here, somewhere close, werewolves do as well.

Of course, the conversation just happens to end there. Edward stalks off madly away from the halls, slamming the school doors followed by a rather loud screeching of tires of a zooming car, to find Bella no doubt. Alice sighs rather tiredly, opening the doors and walking to the parking lot as well.

Nyx releases my form causing me to slightly stumble forward. She groaned almost painfully, attempting to rub her back. Nyx pounced on my back, demanding me to carry her. I’m guessing we’re not talking about that conversation… Hm… Anyways, I dropped her on the floor. After a failed attempt, she walked to the doors grumbling and walked out. I followed her out.

“Kari!” Alice shouted, flinging her arms around me.

I cringed. Nyx snickered behind her. I’m not really a big person on affection… Well not frompeople vampires that are complete strangers to me.

“Hi…?” I voiced.

Alice beamed, letting go of me and dragged me along to the car.

“Since Edward gave me a drive to school,” Right… I totally believe that… “I call dibs on driving your Spider!”

Alice rushed to the seat along side Nyx, both jumping simultaneously into the front seat. The two of them shoved and pulled hastily at each other. That went on for five minutes… I think… I dunno… I pulled out my Blackberry phone to go record them. If I had my own blog, I would totally put this up.

I got bored soon enough and put away my Blackberry. I contemplated in either yanking those two away from that seat for me to drive or just laze around in the back seat. I went with the latter, trying my best to not get killed, not literally, by Nyx. They still hadn’t stopped shoving each other. I sighed, taking a deep inhale.

“HEY!” I shouted, catching their attention.

They stopped and looked at me, both in an awkward position. Nyx’s arm was twisted around Alice’s head where Alice was slightly on top of Nyx. Their legs intertwined in way that seemed impossible. Both their hair seem to be in tact oddly enough. It was as if they were either embracing or strangling each other.

“Done yet?” I asked.

The two of them darted away from each other, Alice in the driver’s seat. They nodded feverishly at me. Alice’s arm knocked against the wheel causing her to turn around andcheer squeal. She turned on the engine and began to drive. Nyx grumbled miserably in shot gun but got over it when she turned on her ipod connecting it to the car stereo.

“Fate is an elegant, cold hearted whore, she loves salting my wounds; yes she enjoys nothing more.”

Nick Thomas of The Spill Canvas has brilliant lyrics. They aren’t my favorite band but their music is exceptional. It’s amazing how the music is a direct depiction of life. The words are so eloquent against a smooth melody.

“Wow…” Alice sighed, “Who’s the artist?”

“The Spill Canvas.” Nyx said.

“Music like this doesn’t usually click with me.” She commented.

“Really? Cause music like this usually clicks with me!” Nyx pathetically remarked. She realized it too, “Wow… That was pathetic.”

Alice giggled.

“Well, we’re nearly there.” Alice said, turning the Spider down a narrower road.

“There where?” I asked.

Nyx sniggered, “You rhymed!” She sang, childishly pointing a finger at me.

I rolled my eyes.

“Not telling!” Alice sang in the same tune as Nyx.

I huffed, “Fine… Be that way.”

“I will!” Alice chirped.

I glared. Alice made an abrupt turn to the right causing me to unexpectedly nearly fly out of
my seat to the left side. My seat belt almost broke against my body and I clutched onto the car. There were some slight indents left on that Nyx never needs to find out and decapitate me. Okay?

“We’re here!” Alice sang.

I glared at her, opening the door. I grabbed my mini back pack, slinging it over my shoulders as it holds a bunch of important stuff both Nyx and I have. Important stuff like our credit cards, money, wallet with our IDs that we keep changing every time we move and things like that. Nothing too amazing worthy.

Alice skipped in front of me like a little ballerina. Nyx cocked her head at Alice’s actions before imitating her. The two of them pranced down the stone pathway. I blinked unsurely several times. Alice called me over to hurry up. I began walking quickly towards them.

There was a gate, a nice white gate at up ahead where Alice and Nyx stood waiting. I finally took a good look around the place. It was amazing. The scenery was gorgeous. Tall trees that let the sun light elegantly seep through, green leaves sashaying in wind, little peeps from different creatures. It was beautiful music everywhere.

I snapped out of the enchanting landscape and quickly walked to them. Alice opened the gate, pushing it effortlessly. It led to more trees… Wow that was anti-climatic. Alice squealed and jumped, clapping her hands. She bounded away, grabbing both Nyx and mine’s hands. Alice yanked on us both, urging us to run with her down a path that seemed to get thinner and thinner.

“Where are we going exactly?” Nyx asked.

“A place.”

Nyx pouted, “No really?”

“We’re nearly there, stop nagging.” Alice replied.

As soon as Alice said that, she stopped. A little too hastily. Both Nyx and I nearly fell down but we caught ourselves. The pros of being part of the damned are elegance and for that I thank the lord.

“We’re here!” Alice sang once more.

“That’s what you said last time.” I commented, attempting to get a pebble that nudged its way into my converse.

“Well we are here this time.” Alice grinned, “Voila! The amazing ness of nature!”

“Wow…” Nyx muttered.

I looked up. If I thought that other area was beautiful, this clearing was just heaven worthy. A small creek that ran through bushes of exotic looking flowers and the water looked clean enough to drink. Trees wrapped around it making light shine like spotlights or the aurora borealis. The wind blew softly and the place was littered with small little animals. The thought of animals didn’t even peak my blood thirst.

“So what’d you think?” Alice asked.

“Amazing.” I whispered.

“How did you find this place?” Nyx pondered.

Alice shrugged in the corner of my eye, “It’s just a little away from my house. Apparently this section is part of the property my family and I own.”

I wonder how exactly “a little away” is.

“The creek over there leads to the mountains that are south west of here. It’s a great place to go hiking. We go nearly every week.” Alice continued.

“Must be fun.” Nyx shrugged.


We spent awhile in this clearing just relaxing and talking about random things. Alice told us some interesting stories about Edward, Emmett and Jasper fighting. I’m pretty sure she understated some things like breaking only a lamp? I’m pretty sure they tore up the entire room. I don’t think they would’ve gotten injured by sharp plastic either or injured at all.

“So…” Alice whistled.

“Mm?” Nyx voiced comfortably.

“You want to come over?”

I sat up, “Come over?”

Alice sat up as well, “Yep. To my place…”

“I dunno…” my voice drifted off.

“Come! It’ll be fun! Unless of course… You’re scared of Edward-”

“NO!” Nyx sat up abruptly, interrupting Alice, “We’re going.”

Alice smirked.

We walked back to the Spider because Nyx didn’t want to come back all the way around to go get it afterwards. I think it was around 6pm right now. The sun was setting. The lighting was quite nice against this scenery. Alice drove onto another path towards the front of her house. It didn’t take very long.

When she pulled up on the drive way, her house was huge. It was a mini mansion. Sure I’ve seen larger houses but if you went to Forks, you would understand how incredible it is to find such a large place among the average small homes.

We soundlessly walked to the front of the house. Through the open window, it looked comfortable, almost as if I was at home. But something seemed off to me. Alice opened the door to a nice hallway. A male vampire I have never seen before came to the door, engulfing Alice into a large hug.

“I’m Carlisle Cullen.” He spoke warmly.

“Ashnyx,” Nyx told him, “She’s Katrina.”

Carlisle smiled. His hand stretched out to Nyx who shook it. He turned towards me to shake my hand. I hesitantly shook it. As soon as my hand came in contact with his, my hand burned. I quickly shook him off. I flinched. Something was wrong and yet it felt entirely right. The way Carlisle carried and spoke to me was so familiar. Almost like my own father.

Then I remembered… He was the one who changed them. Changed his “family.” Maybe that was the reason this was wrong. But he doesn’t seem like a horrid vampire. I don’t get it! How could someone like Carlisle be so kind?! And why does he seem like my father? How could I have foolishly compared him to my own father?

“Are you alright Katrina?” Carlisle spoke worriedly.

I attempted to smile, “Yeah… But we have to go. I just remembered I left something at the mall and I need to pick it up before the mall closes.”

Alice stared at me disbelievingly as Carlisle nodded his head understandingly. Nyx was confused, I could feel it but she didn’t question me. Not now anyways.

“But I thought you were going to hang around here?” Alice asked.

“Sorry, but I left my notebook at American Apparel.” I told her.

Alice frowned, “Fine. You better hang with me tomorrow though.”

Nyx nodded, “Sure.”

I waved goodbye, nearly dashing towards the Spider. Nyx followed me and drove off to the road. Alice and Carlisle were following the Spider’s silhouette until we were out of sight. I sank down into my seat.

Nyx drove randomly, turning when she felt like it. We were exploring around I guess. She wasn’t very eager to go home right now because she knew I didn’t want to. Alice might call and since she’s a clairvoyant, she would know when we would be getting home.

An hour or so passed by. The sun was not visible in the sky anymore. Dark blue streaked the sky. Night time in Forks was relaxing. Although, the sky was never this clear. I looked around our surroundings. An ocean seemed to appear in front of us.

“Nyx… Where are we exactly?” I asked her.

Nyx looked around as well, “I don’t really know… I just went south west.”

She slowed the car down and drove it into a parking lot. We walked out to find sand underneath our feet. Laughter entered my ears. I glanced at the large bon fire down. The air felt smelt different. I blinked unsurely a couple of times. Nyx’s body stiffened.

“Hey! You two!”

We turned around to see a boy, no older than 18, running towards us. He was pretty hot I guess you could say. He was ripped. How could I tell? Well the fact that he’s only in swimming trunks might be it. He was also tanned. In his hand was a rather large bag of marshmallows. He reached us, swinging his arms around the two of us.

“You new here?” He asked us, his face a little too close then necessary.

Nyx nodded, “Nyx. She’s Kari.”

Wait a minute… Did he just sniff us?

“Quil.” He grinned wolfishly, “Wanna join us for a bon fire?”

The group down by the beach hollered at us. Quil waved to them.

“So?” He asked.

Nyx looked at me. I shrugged. She sighed.

“Sure.” Nyx said with a smile.

“Great!” Quil beamed.

He led us to the group by the fire. I glanced around. I blinked. They seemed different. Like
this strong aura was around them. They smelled different. Almost like Nyx’s werewolf essence. Are they werewolves?
♠ ♠ ♠

Omigod... Chapter ten! =D I feel so proud. Although the chapter feels like a filler... =P Oh wellz.
Now... I must thank the following:
the AMAZING commenters! -bows down-
FANTABULUS subscribers! -salutes-
AWESOMELY AWESOME readers! -curtsy bow-
The out of this world people who gave me THREE stars! -kisses the very ground walked on-
I am not worthy. =3