Not So Graceful Grace and a Vampire.


“what the hell are you talking about?” I asked. My temper was rising, and I was never all that good at controlling it.

“Me: Bryce. You: Grace.” Bryce said like a cave man, making a hand gesture in between us, and smiling at me. “Fiancés. We rule in many moons.”

“Not about that!” I screeched. “Vampires?” I whispered. I always believed in that. But this guy was crazy.

“Yeah.” he said, plainly. His eyes traveled down my body and back to my eyes. His stupid smirk still on his lips.

“Wipe that off.” I said, pointing at his lips. I started to walk by him and to the door, but he stood in front of me.

“Where you going, Love monkey?” he asked in a way to sweet voice. “Don’t want to hang out with your Fiancé?”

“You and I aren’t getting married.” I told him. “you’re some creep who has had just a little too much Meth. Listen we’ll go back to my place, and I’ll call a doctor for you or something.”

“Your parents arranged this.” he told me, stepping closer to me, and looking down at me. “Why do you think your dad left? He decided he didn’t want this for you any more. Said his little baby didn’t deserve this. Although I might say that every little ‘baby’ here in my world wants this. it’s the biggest honor out there.”

I glared at him. He was wrong. This couldn’t be right. I wanted to scream at him, but just sat down on the bed instead.

“I’m so happy your actually pretty.” He told me, sitting next to me. “Some of the Witches my parents looked at were not good looking at all.”

“you’re making my head hurt.” I whispered.

“Aw come on Ballerina.” he said. He took my shoulders and turned me so my body was facing him. I winced. “sorry.” he said.

“I’m sure you have some questions, right?” he asked. I nodded yes, not able to talk. “lets play 20 questions. You start.” Was a engaged to a first grader?

“Do you eat… Me?” I asked, losing the wording as soon as I saw his eyes, gleaming with happiness. He was so damn attractive.

“No.” he told me. “I wont eat… you. But I do drink blood. it’s a lot of weird mystic stuff, but when we get married I’ll have to drink your blood. But I’ve been told it doesn’t hurt.”

I nodded. “Okay. So then just animal? Or other humans?”

“Ah Ah Ah.” he said. “My turn. Can you teach me some of those moves from last night?” I glared at him, before answering.

“Only if you’re a good little cow.” He looked shocked that I had gotten over the whole vampire thing so fast. To be dead honest, I was scared. But I’d always wanted something exciting to happen to me. “do we have to share this bed?”

“Yes.” he said. “Favorite book?”

“The Bell Jar.” I responded. “Animals or humans?”

“Animals.” He laughed a magical sound. “Favorite band?”

“I like them all. Really into All Time Low, And MCR.” I looked down at my hands. “when’s the wedding?”

“a year. That can change if you want it to.” He said, looking out the window. “Biggest fear?” he turned his attention back to my eyes, which had previously been eyeing his sexy face.

“Death.” I choked out. He got a funny look on his face and looked away again. “Where are we?”

“The vampire world. My world.” he said, looking back out the window. I did too, and saw the most beautiful forest in the world. All sorts of greens and yellows shone out at me.

Goodness. If the whole Vampire world looked like that, maybe I could live through it.

“Do you think I’m attractive?” Bryce asked, smirking back at me.

Scratch that. This was going to be a long day.
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