A New Friend Infatuating With the Enemy

Sam and Dean get put onto a new case of a Windego only to find that the beast has been slain and the slayer is in dire need of the brother's help. The young woman who appears to Sam in a dream possess powers unlike anything the brothers have seen. She hides a terrible secret and has a powerful friend who the brothers has met before. A love triangle sparks as Sam finds himself infactuated with the young woman and the young womans parnter joins on a major hunt.
  1. A New Hunt
    Bobby sends Sam and Dean on a Hunt for a Windego when something strange occurs
  2. Searching Party
    Sam and Dean set off to try and find the mystery girl
  3. Finding Out
    The two brothers finally find the mystery girl.... slightly less than worse for ware.
  4. The seeker and found
  5. Healing Wounds
  6. Held In Fear
    Dean wakes up to find himself tied to a chair...
  7. Explaining is the hardest part..
    Alice sits down with sam and explains..everything
  8. Truth and love
    while alice is explaining to sam what she is... things spice up
  9. Fire Dragon
    Dean walks in..and its his time to find out the truth
  10. Intoxicated
  11. Confusion In Hell