A New Friend Infatuating With the Enemy

A New Hunt

Sam is sitting on the grimy, single, hotel bed talking on his cell, while Dean is devouring his pie on his.

“Ok, thanks Bobby. That shouldn’t be a problem” Sam ends the call and turns to his brother.

“So, what’s Bobby got for us? Yellow eye’s cousin? Evil clowns?” Dean says with a smirk, “Oh, please let it be another bout of evil clowns!”

“Hrm, I’m sure you think you’re cute” Replies Sam with thick sarcasm.

“You know I’m adorable,” Smiles Dean “So what is this almighty case Bobby wants us to do?”

“Well, it’s something but I wouldn’t call it ‘ALMIGHTY’. There’s been a case of 20 campers, hikers and hunters being attacked and killed by a bear, or so they’re saying. Bobby wants us to head down there and find out for sure but he’s pretty sure of what it is” Explained Sam. “Here take a look at these photos’s I tracked down from the sites of the attacks”

Sam hands a thin pile of photos to Dean. They are of bloody tents ripped to shreds.

“Windego!?!” Exclaimed Dean, “Dude! We haven’t heard of one of these things for 2 years.”

“Yeah, I know. That’s why Bobby wants us to get rid of it as soon as possible.” Said Sam with a creased brow.

“So... Where do we find this cannibalistic son of a bitch?”

“Washington, Forks.” Replied Sam, “Well more La’ Push but we’ve got to head to Forks first.”

“Wait, wait, WAIT!” Laughed Dean, “your telling me that we have to go to some place called La’ Push? Man, what a pussy name!”

“Dude, it’s Native American.”

“Rriiigghhtt...” Said Dean, shaking his head, “they sure knew how to name them...but aside from that, is there anything else Bobby said?”

“Well yes actually, he said that there was a young woman who came to him and asked him about the Windego.” Said Sam, “and the thing is, he had never seen or heard of her before.”

“WHAT!?....why would anyone ask about a Windego?” Asked Dean, “and why go to Bobby?”

“Who knows but apparently she went after it and that was a month ago.”

“So, how do we know she didn’t kill it?”

“Because there has been another missing case and an attacked camp site since then, not more than two weeks ago.”

“Ah, so you think that she went and got herself killed?” Asked Dean, “well there is only one way to find out whether or not she is still even alive. Let’s hit the road!”

They brothers hurriedly pack and took off in the Impala. After a long drive they arrived in Forks at 3am on the Thursday. They checked into the Dew Drop Inn and started preparing for the hunt.
Once they had everything they needed ready, they turned in for a few hours sleep.

-Begin Sam’s dream-
A girl in a white dress and black wings is walking in the thick forest. She doesn’t look scared but anxious.
She spies Sam and motions for him to follow her. He follows until she leads him to an opening in the forest. A camp site, which has a few shreds of tent, lying on the ground, around a freshly lit fire. The girl sits down and grabs the guitar that is resting on a log-stool. Her gaze meets with Sam and she says “Hello Sam, Thankyou for coming with me, I’m sorry but I have already killed the creature you wish to hunt. It had devised a false lair to trick any who wished to kill it. It took me a while but I hunted its true home and killed it. To my deep regret, the people were all dead. However this matter is not what I wanted to talk to you about, I... am what you might call special but not indestructible, the Windego got to me before I got to it and I need your help. When you and your brother come to this camp site, go north for 3 miles and you will come to a creek, you need to follow that creek to the east and it will lead you to the lair. I’m sorry but the information I can give out is limited in this form. Once you get there, you will find something of mine which should lead you to me. If you can not help me, I respect that but I pray that you can. I have to go now; if I stay here any longer I will die. Potissimus Fortuna!”

She picked up her guitar and started playing and singing but Sam could not hear the music or the sound of her voice.
-End dream-

Sam bolted upright from his bed. He was covered in a thin layer of sweat and his breathing was short and shallow. Dean was stirred awake by Sam’s movement.

“Sammy! What’s wrong?” Asked Dean with worry and sleep thickly coating his voice. As he sprang from his bed to get a good look at Sam.

“I...had...I had a dream,” Said Sam in a hoarse voice

“By dream... you mean a freakish, physic, predict future dream?”

“Err no.., this was different. There was this young woman and led me through what I suspect is the La’ Push Forest.” Sam went on and explained his entire vivid dream to his brother.

“You think it’s the girl that went to visit Bobby?”

“My best bet would be, yes. So what are we going to do?”

“Damsel in distress?... Dude do you have to ask?” Said Dean with a smile, “Let’s find her!”
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