I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 1

“Jess! Hurry up! We’re gonna be late because of you!” I yell at my best friend while she takes her time dressing up

“Calm down, it’s still early!” she answered back

I roll my eyes and showed her my watch

“Oh Fuck, we have to go, NOW.”

“I was saying that like, twenty minutes ago” I muttered

She grabbed my arm and we ran out of her house. First day of school always sucked. I hated it. People would always talk about what happened to them that summer. Basically, the number one topic was who they hooked up with, next to people bragging the places where they were able to go to. We run through the familiar halls of our school. Shit. We were really late. Oh well, at least we were seniors already right?

We were so close to our home room already when Jess suddenly halted. I almost tripped because of her abruptly stopping.

“Whoa! Jess, why’d you stop?”

“Look!” she pointed somewhere. I followed her finger and saw what she was pointing at or rather, who she was pointing at

“Oh.” I said blankly

“What do you mean “Oh”?” she asked excitedly

“I mean, Oh, it’s him” I said blankly again

“It’s fucking Alex Gaskarth!! How do I look?” she asked while fixing her hair

“Uh, hello?! We are like late for our first fucking class?! Does that matter anymore?” I said and stomped my foot at her

“Oh yeah! Shit! Let’s go.”

Thank god she snapped out of it. Thankfully, we arrived, like half a minute early. The teacher was actually staring at her watch and timing everyone.

As we sat down, Jess looked at me and said, “You are an abnormal person”

“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked taken aback

“Well, you are like the only fucking person in this fucking school who is not fucking interested on fucking Alex Gaskarth!”

“Cut the cursing!” I told her. “She might hear you and we might get detention on the first day of school” I said as I pointed at the teacher

She just rolled her eyes

“Anyway, I’m sure not everyone loves him. I’m not the only one. I mean, what do you see in him? Because I don’t see anything that interesting or unique. He has what any other guy has.” I stated

She made an “o” with her mouth and nearly screamed

“I don’t believe you! You need your head checked.”

“Tone it down a bit will you?”

“Sorry” she said

“Can we talk about this later? Cos, this is not worth risking having detention”

“I really don’t believe you!” she whispered again
♠ ♠ ♠
this is just an intro to the story. i hope you guys like it! :))

and, yeah please, please, please, comment? or subscribe? :D thanks!!