I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 10

“What’s up?” I told Jess as I sat next to her

“Did you just walk in with Alex Gaskarth?” she asked, still with her petrified face. Oh god, I should have known how people would react to me and Alex walking together, especially people like Jess. She’ll go on and on about it again.

“Uh, yeah?” I said, not knowing what to answer

“Shit. You are such a fuckin lucky bitch!” she said while giggling

“Heard that before.” I muttered. “Jess, did you see all the death glares thrown to me right after I stepped in this room? you think that’s lucky?”

“YOU walking with Alex IS lucky. How did you end up walking with him anyway?” she asked, curiosity dripping from her voice

“Well-“the teacher came in and I mouthed to Jess “Later” she nodded and smirked at me.

The class ended and thankfully, it went smooth. I decided to just concentrate on the board and ignore the glares still being thrown at me.

The class started to stand up and I noticed that the class was done already. I started to fix my stuff and waited for Jess. I flinched a bit when I heard someone call my name, out loud for the whole fucking world to hear.

“Sandra!” and it wasn’t my nickname, it was my whole name. That just means one thing

”Hey Alex” I turn around and tried my hardest to smile. Fuck, the whole room was staring now. Even Jess.

“Hey! How did you find history? Sucks right?”

“History’s fine. The teacher sucks” I stated

He chuckled and said”you’re funny!”

I wasn’t even trying to joke.

“So, why..uh are you.. Like...talking to me?”

“Oh! Yeah, uh, I was wondering, are you using your notes tonight?” he pointed at my notebook

“Uh, no, I don’t think so”

“Great! Can I borrow them? I’ll return them as soon as I’m done copying” he said with a smile

“Uh, sure. Here” I handed him my notebook

“Thanks Sandra!” he said


He looked like he was gonna say something else but I walked as fast as I can to the door already.

I knew Jess was running behind me. I can hear her footsteps.

“Sasha! Wait up!”

I kept walking and said “I might be late for my next class already” I said back

“No you’re not, cos I know it’s lunch” she said taking my arm and turning me around

“What?” I asked

“Alex just talked to you!!” she shouted. Exactly what I was avoiding. People were staring again. Shit. It can be any Alex for Christ’s sake. He wasn’t the only Alex in this damn school, I thought and walked again.

“Hey!” Jess called out again

“Sorry. But he just borrowed notes ok?” I said impatiently

Why is it even a big deal for all of them? What the hell. He just borrowed my fucking notes. Is it so hard to think that he talked to me? I mean, I am a human being. It was completely normal for him to talk to me. People can be so pointless at times.
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YAY! I've got three stars already :)

hahaah, yeah, i am happy with that already. this story is kinda more successful then my other one but i love them both equally :P

thanks to the people who commented, subscribed and those reading it. i love you guys!