I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 11

“I can’t believe he borrowed your notes!” Jess exclaimed during lunch. She’s still not over it.

“Yeah, he did” I plainly said while I shove some food into my mouth

“He likes you” Jess said matter of factly.

“What?!” I almost screamed and choke on my food

“In the three years that I’ve observed Alex, he never ever borrows notes from a classmate. Yeah, he borrows from his friends but not from classmates. I have a theory.” She said with a grin

”And what can that be?” I asked not interested at all. It seems like everyday ever since we started school, all we talk about is him. I was getting bored with the same topic.

“He’s doing that so he can have a reason to talk to you. Obviously, with your “strangeness”, you wouldn’t flirt with him or talk to him if you don’t need to. You don’t have a crush on him so you don’t really care about him or notice him.”

“Your point is?”

“He’s trying to get a little of your attention by borrowing notes. Now he’ll have an excuse to talk to you again when he returns the notes. He’s making a move Sash. Alex Gaskarth is Fucking making a fucking move on you. That never happens. Usually, the girls do it. “

“Or maybe, he’s just desperate to get good notes. I mean, looking at his buds, their notes don’t look much reliable. And, you have a really wild imagination, you should consider writing” I said jokingly

“I know how any guy like Alex thinks” she said proudly

“Okay! I think---oh, Jack!” I called on him upon seeing him enter the canteen. He didn’t seem to hear so I stood up holding his notebook that he left at my house.

“Hey!” I tapped his shoulder

“Oh-hey sash! What’s up?” he said happily

“Here” I said handing him the notebook

“Thanks Sash! I owe you big time! I missed this notebook!” he said


“Oh, right, I heard Alex borrowed your notes” he said and smirked

“Oh God, not again! What’s the big deal with that?” I said not believing that this is happening again

“Well, from my observation, I think he likes you. He doesn’t just borrow notes from random classmates you know”

“THINK, being the operative word” I shot back

“Well, you know, what I think is usually true”

“Really now?’

“Yeah! And, Sash, I think you should give him a chance”

“Okay, that’s just too much. We’re just friends!” I said like I was talking to a retard.

“Whatever you say!” he said and waved at me

I made a face and just looked at him while he walked away.

I gave up on acting pissed and went back to Jess. She was eating and reading something

“What’s that?’ I ask hoping that we can talk about another damn subject aside from Alex.

“Oh, uh, just my notes. I bet we’ll have a pop quiz later in Physics”

“Oh.” I say

She looked at me and I can see that she was thinking of something. It’s one of those times wherein I see a look on her face that says “I want to ask her a question but I don’t know if I can”

“What is it Jess?”

“How do you always know what I am thinking?”

“Well, your face is easy to read and you’re my best friend. Of course I know the faces you make. Now spit out that question”

“I don’t know if I should ask”

“Is it about Alex again?”

She shook his head, no

“Then just ask it! Anything but the Alex subject.”

“Okay then. Well, I just wanna know, is Mark still talking to you?”

Upon hearing that, my face fell and the interest I had vanished just like that.
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