I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 12

“Shit, sorry Sash. You don’t have to answer” she said fast after she saw the change in my face.

“No, no, it’s okay. I was just surprised that you’ll ask” I muttered


“No, not anymore” I said

“Oh. Uh, did you see him around here yet?”

“No, and I don’t think I can handle it” I said, feeling the tears coming already

“Oh my God, I am so sorry Sash. Don’t cry!” she said with a frantic voice

“No, it’s fine. I just- I am just getting a little emotional” I said wiping the tears away

“Here” she said handing me tissue


“Anytime” she said sadly

She quickly changed the subject and talked about how the cafeteria food sucked. She made me laugh a few times, but at the back of my head, I was still thinking of her question.

Mark, Is my ex-boyfriend. We started going out sophomore year. He was my chemistry lab partner and things started there. He was really nice and helpful. He helped me with the lessons. Science is not exactly my field. Give me a bunch of math problems, I am fine with that, just don’t give me a hard Science problem, I’ll freak out. Well, Mark and I had been going out for two years, it could have been three this year but he decided to screw things up and that caused our break-up this summer. That’s why I hated summer this year.

Why did we break up? Oh, one day, he just woke up and thought that we should take a break. That’s it. After two fucking years, that was how we ended up. When he said that, I got mad and pissed for his excuse. So, we fought and he just suddenly said that it was better if we just broke up. So, we did. I ended up crying and moping the whole summer. Good thing Jess was there to comfort me. She gave up her supposed to be fun summer to comfort my heartbroken ass. Jack was also there. He even suggested beating Mark up but Jess completely threw him off already. She said that Mark would beat him up instead, looking at Jack’s body.

I was really grateful that I had them at that time. Without them, I probably wouldn’t know what to do. Jack and Jess made me promise that after summer, I’ll stop sulking already and that I’ll go on with my life. She said that I should show Mark what he gave up. I promised and now, we’re here. I still haven’t seen him yet and I am thankful that I don’t have any class with him. It would just kill me.
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aww, i got like, additional four subscribers! hahah! :)) thanks for subscribing guys! and, i have 100+ readers now! yay!

it makes me happy to know that people actually follow this story and read it! thanks for the people who commented! your comments make me smile and sometimes, make me update even if i don't feel like it :/