I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 13

It was finally the weekend. Thank god I could rest already. I am currently hanging out in my room and writing random things. I was done with my homework a few hours ago and now, I was just bored. I decided to go down and listen to some music so I grabbed my Blink CD and put it in the CD player.

The house was instantly filled with the heavenly songs of my favorite band. I dance around the house and went to the kitchen. Blink can always make a boring day a little livelier. Now, I was humming to their music and dancing with the beat. I decided that I’ll just eat cereals for breakfast. My mom wasn’t home, she must have slept over at work again, I thought. I was going to take my first scoop when the door bell rang. I quickly went to the door and opened it, hoping it was my mom, but as always, it wasn’t. It always turns out to be the person you least expected. I look blankly at Alex as he just stood there. I blinked a couple of times and managed to ask,

“Why are you here?”

“Hey! Why so moody? You don’t wanna see me?” he pouted

“I wasn’t expecting you” I said

“Oh, well, I was gonna ret---oh, is that Blink I am hearing?!” he suddenly screamed

“Um, yeah?”

“I love them!” he said, looking like a child

“I am a fan too” I said with a smile

“Oh, shit, did you just smile at me?” he said happily

My smile faded a little and I was confused. I always smile. Don’t I smile around him?

“Sorry, it’s just that I’ve never seen you smile like that” he added “especially to me”

I nodded, realizing how snobbish I might look like to him.

“Oh, right, uh, I was gonna return to you your history notebook. I just finished copying this morning. Thanks a lot, your notes helped more than my friends’” he said, handing me my notebook

“Yeah sure”

We just stand there, not really knowing what else to say.

“Uh, you wanna come in first? Eat breakfast?” I asked

He shot his head up and smiled widely. “Sure!”

I opened the door to lead him inside

“Nice house” he said while walking through the hallway

“Thanks” I muttered and walked into the kitchen. He followed me, and I can feel his eyes scanning my body. I realized that I wasn’t really dressed for a guest. I was technically still wearing my sleeping clothes, which is just a shirt and short shorts. I decided to act natural and gave him a bowl

“Here, you can just eat cereals. I don’t really have anything cooked up this early”

“Thanks” he said and sat across the table from me “So, you’re usually awake this time?” he asked

“Uh, yeah, when I feel like accomplishing stuff early. But sometimes, I oversleep too” I answered

“Oh.” He nodded and ate some cereals “I didn’t know you liked Blink. That’s one trait we have in common” he beamed

“Yeah, I guess. But everyone likes them though” I said

“Yeah, but we’re still the same!” he said happily

“Okay then” I agreed not wanting to burst his little bubble.

“You’re a really interesting girl, Sandra. I wish I could know you more” he said, with a more serious tone

“Well, you know a few things about me already right?” I hesitantly said.

“Yeah, I guess so” he said weakly

“I am not really good at this, but-uh, I was wondering if you wanted to like, hang out this weekend?” he asked “like, you know, to get to know each other more”

I thought about it. I just look at him for a few minutes. I don’t think I should go, but it looked like he had a hard time to get that out. He might really be crushed if I reject him again. I wasn’t that mean. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t have to put much effort before, because girls literally asked him out and all he had to do is say yes. Or, the girl shows that she really liked him so he doesn’t have a hard time asking because the girl will surely say yes. In my case, that wasn’t sure. I can say no, or say yes. I bet that’s what he’s so nervous about: refusal

“Uh, like as friends?” I had to ask this because I am definitely not going on a date with him. I am only going out of appreciation for his effort.

“Uh, ye-yeah, su-sure” he smiled again

“That’s okay for me I guess” I answered

“Re-really?” a huge smile grew across his face

“Yeah, I just said yes
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thanks for the subscribers! i have like, 28 subscribers already and 115 readers! I love you guys! THANKS A LOT :)) this update is for the people who subscribed and commented :P