I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 15

We were done with our ice creams and we are now walking back to our houses.

“I really had fun today, Sandra. I learned a lot of stuff about you. Especially your love for cookies and cream flavored ice cream”

“Well, at least you know one trivia about me” I smile

“I am glad you smile more around me. I like your smile” he said, with a daydream voice

“Uh, thanks?” I answered, not knowing what else to say

“So, I guess I’ll just see you at school tomorrow huh?” he asked

“Yeah, of course, we’re seatmates right?”

“Yes” he laughed

We just stand there, not really knowing what to do next. It was kinda awkward. How do I say bye to him? Like just say it? Good thing he brought it up first

“Uh, I guess we have to go in now?”

“Yah” I said, looking at my shoes

“Uhm, Sandra?”

“Yes?” I said, raising my head up to look at him

“Can-can I, uh, hug you?” he asked with a tense voice

I nodded. “Yeah of course” with that, I opened my arms to hug him. He hugged me a little too tight and too long.

“Uh, Alex? I think you should let go now” I choke out

“Oh, yeah, sorry” he apologized and pulled away.

‘Ok, see you tomorrow then” I wave at him and turn around

“See you tomorrow” I hear him whisper

I entered the room and sighed. That guy is a little physical. First, he grabs my hand randomly and then now, he hugged me too tight. I went up my room and opened the window. I caught a glimpse of Alex writing again. Wow, he likes to write. But, hello, what could he be writing? I just ignored it and decided to take a little shower. I took my towel and went inside the bathroom. I liked taking a bath. It’s really comforting and soon after, I feel like a fresh person again. I don’t feel so dirty anymore. I go out and brush my hair in front of the mirror.

Alex’s P.O.V

Sandra is really a different girl. She’s not like the others I ever dated. I really like her. She’s the only person who makes me nervous. When I am around her, I get jumpy and scared that she might get pissed in whatever I do. I constantly want to please her and for her to just give me a second look. I’ve never felt like this before. I am desperate to get her and to just, get closer than a friend.

After the “friendly date” we had, I went straight to my room and started to write. Ever since I met Sandra, I have started writing again. I used to write when I was freshmen but then I stopped up until now. Sandra gives me inspiration and sometimes, I just write about my interest in her and how she doesn’t notice me at all. She’s really an exceptional girl.

Now, I see her combing her hair in front of a mirror. She looks really gorgeous with wet hair. I just want to touch her and hug her. I often find myself staring through my window and looking at her every night. I think I am crushing on her, HARD. She’s really pretty in her own little way. She doesn’t even try to look pretty; she’s just stunning in her own unique way. Some girls tan themselves and put chemicals on their body which really turns me off right away. Sandra, on the other hand, wow, she’s natural. She doesn’t have any artificial stuff in her.

That’s when I realized that I had to get her. I just had to. I want her, and I will get her. I want to make her feel how special and beautiful she is. I want to be the person who she confides with and who she trusts and loves. I want to be her man.
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Thanks for all the new comments guys! i hope you like this update :)