I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 16

I walk through the crowded hallways and I was looking for Jess. Where the hell is she again? She’s always missing whenever I needed to talk to her. I was in a hurry and I wasn’t looking at where I was going so naturally, I bumped into someone.

“Sorry” I said, picking up the books that the person dropped. I looked up and saw the last person I ever wanna bumped to in this school. I saw Mark. I immediately dropped the books I was holing because of the shock that I felt through my body. I just stood there, like an idiot. I didn’t know what to say or what to do; I wasn’t expecting this at all.

He also looked kinda shocked and he was just staring at the floor. The asshole can’t even look at my face. I felt my eyes clouding and at that moment, I knew I had to run away from here. I didn’t want him seeing me crying over him. I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. I bit my lip and turned around. I walked as fast my feet could take me. I didn’t even know where I was going; I just wanted to run away from this place. I noticed that the tears started to fall while I was walking. I can’t believe this, I am such a loser. I never did get over him. And, I might never do.

I found a tree and I decided to sit there to mope. I started to cry even harder and I realized that this was the time wherein I needed Jess badly. Where can she be? I looked around, hoping that she was somewhere near me, but there was no sign of her. I just bowed my head and wept again. This continued until the lunch bell rang. I debated on whether to go to the clinic and pretend to be sick or go to the next class so I could just forget about it. Surely, I wouldn’t have a hard time pretending to be sick, because I looked sick already, from all the crying I did. And, I really felt sick emotionally. I just decided to go to class because if I went home, I’ll just mope around and that’ll just make things worse. I have to keep myself busy so I’ll not think about him.

Now, I find myself sitting in history class. I was waiting for Jess. I needed to talk to her even more now. I finally see her and she waves at me. I smile weakly and that’s when her smile faltered. She knew there was something wrong. She saw my bloodshot eyes and my fake smile. She approached me with a worried expression.

“What happened?” she asked softly

I look up at her and whispered “I saw him a while ago. I even bumped into him while I was looking for you”

“Oh my god, I am so sorry Sash. The class got extended again and we got delayed again for lunch. Fucking teacher. I am gonna kill him”

“That’s okay. I think I just cried my eyes out over lunch. Jess, he can’t even look at me anymore. It’s like he’s disgusted of me or ashamed that he ever dated me” I said, feeling tears on my eyes again

“Shit, Sash! This is my entire fault! I could have punched him on the face if I were there. I am so sorry for not being there. I tried looking for you as soon as I went out but I couldn’t find you” she said, rubbing my back and handing me some tissue

“That’s fine. Maybe I just needed this” I murmured as I feel tears still rushing out my eyes.

There was silence and I hear someone call my name

“Sandra? Are you okay?” that was Alex. I was sure

“Are you crying?” he said, approaching me

“I am fine” I whispered

He knelt down next to my table and looked at my face

“You’re definitely not Okay. Who did this to you?” he asked concerned

“I am okay now Alex. I am just emotional”

“Uh, Alex, I think you should leave her first. She needs to be alone for the moment” Jess said

He stared at me and nodded.

“If you need someone, you can always talk to me Sandra. I am here for you” he whispered to me and then walked away.
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I am so happy! i got two additional stars this week and on the last update, i got twenty additional readers and eleven new subscribers!

i love you guys! i am really happy too that others comment now :)) THANKS!

i hope you like this! i updated because of those people who commented and subscribed!