I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 2

The first class ended and I quickly stood up and ran out the door but of course, Jess was way faster than me.

“Hey! Hold up. Are you trying to run away?” Jess caught me by the arm

“Uh, no. I’m just late for my next class”

“Sure. Well, you still have to give me a good explanation why you’re like that” she smirked

“JESS! Do I really have to explain to you why I don’t like a guy that everyone else likes?! And, I’ve told you a million times before already. My answer’s never gonna change” I shot to her “it’s been like that since freshmen year, and it’s still gonna be like that this year.”

She stared at me and shook her head.

“You’re hopeless Sasha.”


I finally arrive in my next class and was late because of Jess holding me up. Great, just what I have been avoiding ever since this morning.

“Ms. Sandra Jacobs?” the teacher asked

“Uh, yeah? That’s me” I said

“You’re late.” She just said

“I know” I whispered to myself

“Well, I’ll let it slip for now, just because it’s the first day, but tomorrow, no more chances. All of you are seniors now. You should be more responsible—“

Just as she was about to start her speech about responsibility, the door opened wide, causing everyone’s attention to go to the opened door.

“Shit. Sorry, I am late.” He announced

Everyone laughed because of his cussing in front of the teacher.

“Mr. Gaskarth, please settle down and don’t ever use that kind of language in my class or else I might just give you detention on your first day.”

Guys whistled and made “oh-oh” sounds. He just smiled and walked in the room. He seemed to be scanning it for a vacant seat. Then, it came to me; the only empty seat was the one beside me. Oh fuck. I thought. No way would I want to sit with this person. I bet he doesn’t even pay attention and I am fairly certain too that he’s gonna try to hit on every girl around. I don’t wanna be in hearing distance to that. If I was earlier, I could have gotten a better seat, but no, I just had to come in late. Ironically, this is all because of him. Whatever, all I have to do is don’t mind him. That’ll be easy enough.

“Hey, my new seatmate for the year!” he greeted me

I nodded and glanced away. Good thing I was beside the window. HAH. On the bright side, I can still daydream.

“Why so snobbish?” he asked again

He was starting to bug me already. Can’t he see that I don’t want to talk? I pretended not to hear and pretended to write notes instead. He waved in front of my face which startled me. Hello, a random hand waving right in front of your face is not a usual thing.

“What?” I snapped

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me for a moment.

“What’s up with you? I am just trying to be friendly” he said and made an innocent face

That’s not getting me, I thought.

I nodded again and said, “Sorry for snapping at you but I really don’t wanna talk right now. I don’t wanna fail Calculus.”

And then I continued pretending to write notes. God, help me
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