I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 24

I went home, feeling as guilty as ever. I was also hurt because in my heart, I know that I was feeling something for him already but I was too scared so I decided to push him away from me. I guess his charm got into me in a span of weeks that I knew him. I had to stop what I was feeling before its too late. I am not ready to love someone again, not after Mark.

I enter my house and found it empty again. Wow, it looks like I live by myself. I walk into my room and notice that the blinds of Alex’s room were shut and the lights were off. I decided to just ignore it because I didn’t want to worry about him anymore. I don’t even want to think about him. I just want to forget the things that happened ever since school started.


The next day, I walk into my Calculus class, feeling tense. What will happen today? Will he ignore me? Or maybe he would try to taunt me and embarrass me in front of the class? I was really anxious. I froze when I felt the chair beside me move. He’s here. I look at him through my lashes and he looked normal, except that he had black circles under his eyes which is an obvious sign that he didn’t get enough sleep. I look away, before he catches me looking at him. He didn’t talk to anyone the entire time. He just sat there and scribbled stuff in his notebook. People tried to catch his attention but he didn’t respond. He looked depressed. Was I the cause of this sudden change in him? I felt worst because of this.

The class ended without a single word out of his mouth. He used to be really comical around the classroom, but now, he looked like he can’t hear or say a thing. The teacher dismissed us and he quickly stood up and ran out of the classroom. I just stare at him in awe. I really upset him. Things are greatly gonna change from now on.

“Sash, I think Alex has a major problem and I think it’s because of you” Jess said while we were having lunch

I didn’t answer.

“Sasha, please, just tell me what happened. Alex is so different now. He’s... he’s so quiet and it’s like he lost his spirit or something.” Jess muttered

“I don’t know why he’s like that. He just suddenly changed” I lied

“So, you didn’t fight?”

“No, he just started to be weird” I lied again. I am such a sinner.

“That’s strange. He’s always so energetic and lively. He looks so dead now. You think something happened like, in his family or something?”

“I honestly don’t know Jess. He stopped talking to me as well”

“Maybe I should ask Jack about it” she thought out loud

“Yeah just ask him. He’ll know” I said, staring at my plate.

I didn’t have the appetite to eat anymore. I didn’t think that he’ll get so hurt about it. I mean, I was just one friend he had. We weren’t even that close yet. Why did he look so sadden about it?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! I was able to update! I was kinda busy and I just slipped this in. :))

Yeah, so liike I said, they'll not be fine any sooner :(

Anyway, thanks for all the comments, and like I said, comments make me happy and make me update. I wasn't supposed to update but because of all your comments, I DID
Make me happy and comment puh-lease?