I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 25

A few days passed and things were the same except Alex and I never talked again.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I saw Jack

“Hey, Sasha, can I come over at your place tonight? Let’s play guitar again!” Jack jumped

“Oh, yeah sure!” I said, faking to be happy. Maybe I needed my music so I can be distracted from feeling so bad about myself.

“Yay! I’ll be there by five, like before Ok?’ Jack asked happily

“Yeah, I’ll be waiting”

I continue to walk around school and decided to sit on the bleachers near the field. I just stare into space when I hear laughing people approaching the spot where I was sitting. I turn around and saw Alex walking with his friends. He was laughing. Looked like he got over it fast. Something inside of me felt hurt but then something was also glad that he was fine now. He wasn’t depressed anymore. Even if it hurts me a little, at least he was happy.

He glances my way for a second and in that moment; I thought I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. Of course, I always imagine things. Maybe it wasn’t sadness, maybe it was hatred. I was just misinterpreting it. He doesn’t care about me anymore. He made it clear to me the last time we talked. He sounded like he accepted it and that he wasn’t going to do anything about it. I continue to sit there, feeling like an idiot. I felt tears gathering in my eyes. Why the hell am I crying? I caused this, so why am I feeling this way?

I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom. I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror.

“What the hell is happening to me?” I asked myself.

This is what I get for mingling with that boy. Ever since I met him, I haven’t been myself. It was like I was turning into another person whom I didn’t know. Was he causing this change in me? Before, I didn’t care about him, but now, why do I always feel like crying whenever I see him? I should have stayed away from him as much as possible. If I did, this should not have happened to me.


When I arrived home, I was trying to cheer myself up. Jack can’t see me like this because he’ll notice for sure and he’ll not give up until I spit it out. I am not talking to him about Alex. I mean, they are best friends. I wouldn’t want to destroy their friendship just because of me. I hear the knock on the door and I wore a wide smile to face my best friend.

“HEY! Sasha! What’s up? Ready to have fun?” he greeted me

I unexpectedly smiled a real smile. He always makes me happy. He just has this jovial disposition which is infectious. If I were sad, one look at him will instantly make me better.

“Yeah, of course Jack! Let’s do this.” I said feeling better now.

He was carrying his stuff. He settled in the living room and started to play his guitar. I walked inside carrying two glasses of juice.

“Here, drink up first” I said, putting the two glasses on the table

“Thanks” he muttered, not taking his eyes off the guitar. He is so passionate. I seriously think he should take a chance with music. He will have a bright future if he tries it.

I sat on the couch across his and picked up his notebook.

“So, you have any new stuff in here?” I asked

“Uh, not much but I have quite a couple.”

“Hmm… these are even better than the others. I think you can be a musician.” I declare and looked at him with a smile

“Really? You’re the only one who ever told me that. You’re the only one who sees the real me Sash. You’re really a perfect friend. You always support me with everything I do”

“Well, how can others see your talent when you hide it from them? I was the only one who complimented you like this because I am the only one who knows about this” I said, pointing at his guitar and his notebook

“When they see this, I am sure they’ll like it too” I added

.”I can’t do that yet. Perhaps sometime in the future, but not now.” He uttered

“Just remember that I am always here for you.” I said happily

“Thanks Sash”

Then his phone rang

“Sorry, I have to get this” he told me upon reading the caller ID

“Hey man” he listened to whoever was talking and he nodded

“Uh, yeah sure. Are you okay? You seem off these past few days.”

“Oh, yeah, okay then. I’ll see you later. Bye” he clicked the phone off and looked at me

“That was Alex. He wanted to hang out later tonight. I think there’s something wrong with him. He hasn’t been himself this week.” Jack told me

“Oh, right. He was also kinda weird towards me’ I lie again

He nodded and proceeded to play. I was turning into a big fat liar now. I managed to lie to my two best friends just because of Alex.

I swear, he was bringing out the worst in me.
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Ok, I am a little sad because I only got 4 comments for the other chapter :(( why??

Anyway, I have a deal with you guys. I just wrote two chapters and I will post them, back to back, the second I get a total of 110 comments. I am giving you all two days. DEAL? Don't worry, I will still post even if i don't get those comments but the thing is, I'll post them separately. Meaning, you guys will have to wait longer. So, I'll be waiting guys! :))

This is should be easy, seeing that you are like 300+ reading this story.