I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 26

I walk along the corridors and saw posters around school. Wow, camp. See, every year, we went to camping trips. We go to the forest, or some deserted area and we stay there for about two weeks. The school wanted to equip us with things outside school. They wanted to teach us group cooperation and to be always ready. The principal mentioned that the camping trips also aim to teach us survival skills. As if we were planning to be lost in a forest in the near future.

On the bright side, we get to miss school for two weeks. We get to rest a little and bond with our friends. I want to be cabin mates with Jess again. We’ve always been together the last three years so I expect that we are going to be together again this year. We were always a pair; we had great team work compared to others. We always accomplish each task ahead from the others so we get more free time. That was the fun part of it.

I see Jess running toward me, a bit of shock on his face. I wonder why she looked like that.

“Oh my God, Sasha!”

“What? What’s wrong Jess?’ I asked

“We are not pairs anymore!”

“WHAT?!” I ask, even more shock than she is

“Bu-but, we’ve always been a fucking pair Jess!” I screamed

People started to gawk at us when I finished shouting

“Don’t shout! Teachers might hear you and you know what happens” she reminded me

“Sorry, I was just surprised. But how’d you know?”

“our teacher talked to me, and she said that since we’ve had a great record, they decided to separate us this year so we can help others” she stated

“That is just unfair Jess” I muttered

“Yeah, I know. I mean, who can be our pairs? We might end up with losers who will give us a hard time. We were better off as a pair. We can’t do anything about it because the teacher wasn’t exactly asking our permission. It was good that they informed us first though. I don’t wanna be shock on the day they post it. ” she said

“I hate this. Our being a pair was the only fun part in this camping shit and then now, they separate us” I whined

“We have no choice Sash” she murmured

“Have they posted the pairs already?”

“No, not yet. They’ll post it the morning of the trip itself which is on Friday” she responded

“Oh. Right”
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I keep my promises and as promised, as soon as I saw 113 comments, I immediately updated :) THANKS guys! I know it's kinda mean, but you can't blame me for wanting to know what you guys think right? I love all of you !

Next update will be posted in a few seconds :P