I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 27

The next day, I was still mad about the camping trip. That sucks like hell. They totally took the fun in it already.

“Sash, don’t be sad. I bet we’ll have fun too, just not together. Besides, we can still hang out during the free times. It’ll also be a perfect chance to meet other people. Maybe you’ll end up being friends with your partner” Jess tried to soothe me while we were eating lunch.

The list was coming out tomorrow and I still have no idea as to who my new partner would be.

“I can’t see that happening Jess. The teacher said that they were separating us because we were too good and we needed to help other people. I am sure they’ll assign us with irresponsible ones and we’ll surely end up fighting a lot. WE will play as their mothers” I whined

“Hey don’t be so pessimistic! I am sure it’ll not be as bad as that. Maybe for the first few days we’ll fight with them but we can befriend them in the following days. We just need to compromise with them. Let’s allow them to have their fun but of course, they have to cooperate with us as well”

That is what I like about Jess; she always tries to look at the positive side of things. I really need her because I usually become negative and stressed. She always tries to cheer me up.

“I hope you’re correct” I sigh

“Of course I am! Just be more friendly Sash. People tend to be afraid of you because you have this face”

“What face?” I ask, not knowing that I had a face

“You always have this authoritative and serious face. You know, I am sure that more boys will ask you out if you smile more or lighten up a bit. You don’t look that bad. Actually, you’re prettier compared to most of the girls here. Some are just scared of you. Believe me, because I’ve seen it a million of times already”

“What? You’ve seen what a lot of times already?”

“I’ve seen so many guys check you out and attempted to ask you but then they were too afraid to approach you because you looked a little intimidating. As I said, you have this face that shoo them all away. They think they don’t have a chance to even get just an ounce of your attention”

I couldn’t believe what she was saying. I just stare at her, trying to take it all in. I mean, a lot of guys were attracted to me? I never noticed that. I never even knew that I had this face.

“AR-are you sure? I’ve never noticed that, ever.” I mutter

“You don’t notice a lot of stuff Sash. One perfect example is Alex. I can’t believe you don’t find him attracting at all. Even just a bit. I suggest you start looking around you and then you’ll begin to notice everything.”

I nodded and contemplated about all the things she had said to me. Was I just that ignorant to my surroundings? I guess Jess Is right. She was always right when it comes to me.

Sometimes I think that she knows me more than I know myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, here it is guys, as promised.

They may seem to look kinda boring, but they play an important part in my story:))

THANKS again guys! :D