I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 3

While I sit there, I think of just how unlucky I was to sit next to Alex. I mean, just looking at his record in high school for the past three years, I felt disgusted already.

Ever since freshmen year, Alex has been the crush of every girl in our batch. He was able to date almost half of the girls during that year. Whoa there. Even at that time, I never understood why girls were head over heels for him. And, just for the record, I never dated him. Me not liking him is just natural for me. I don’t know why, but I guess he’s just not my type. I don’t have a history with him as a reason for not crushing on him. I just don’t like him period.

Sophomore year, he was able to date every girl in my class except for me of course. No one really noticed me or minded me. I try to always keep a low key around people I am not close to. By the end of the year, he dated like, fifteen freshmen girls already. I don’t even understand how he manages that much of girls. Doesn’t he get sick of it? Or. Most importantly, doesn’t he get broke because of all the dates he spends everyday for?

Junior year, a lot of girls asked him for prom. I say a lot because I lost count after the first twenty already. I swear, I don’t even know where those girls get their guts from. The guy is supposed to ask, well, at least that’s what I thought.

And now, I don’t know who his next prospect will be. From what I know from Jess, he dated like, all of the girls in our batch already. He also dated most of the juniors and sophomores. Freshmen girls are just too young for him. I hope he gets to find a serious relationship and quite playing around with girls. I mean, he has to be more mature now.

I snapped out of my thoughts when someone tapped me on the shoulders.

“Uh, hey, I wasn’t able to introduce myself earlier. I am Alex, by the way” he stretched his arm to shake my hand

I nodded and looked in front

“Aren’t you gonna introduce yourself?” he asked

I look at him and thought about it. Fine then, he was kinda nice to introduce himself anyway. I wouldn’t be mean and still snob him.

“I am Sandra Jacobs’ I answered plainly.

I am so not telling him to call me Sasha because only my friends call me that.
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Hey guys!! Happy New Year! i hope you guys have fun!! :))

And, yeah, i hope you guys like this chapter. it's kinda short, but hey, at least i was able to update

please comment or subscribe? oh, yeah, one more thing, please check out my other story, it has TAI in it. hahah, i hope you guys like it as well