I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 32

Alex continued dragging me somewhere.

“Alex, can you let go of my wrist?” I ask

“No.’ he plainly answered

“Why?” I said incredulously

“Because you’ll try to run away again” he answered and then suddenly halted

He looked at me for a few seconds and took a deep breath

“Why are you doing this?” he asked

“What?’ I ask back, trying to sound innocent

“Don’t you give me that look because I know you’re faking it” he shot to me.

He never talked to me like that. He really looked pissed

“I fucking don’t know what the hell you’re talking about” I spit back to him, trying to look strong

“Oh, you don’t know? Ok then, I’ll tell you. First, you ignore me and said that we weren’t friends when it was obvious that we were becoming friends already. You just had to destroy it. And second, THIS. Why the hell do you have to change partners when I am obviously suppose to be your pair?” he shouted the last sentence

I look at him while I think of something to answer. JUST ANYTHING.

“I think it will be easier. If we become pairs, it will be awkward and we wouldn’t be able to finish anything because we will be too busy ignoring each other” I said

“Who said it’ll be like that?”

“Alex, we haven’t talked to each other for a week or two and obviously, you are mad at me.”

“I am not. You are the one mad. I don’t even know what got into you that day” he said referring to the day I decided not to have any connection with him anymore

“But, you know what, I am over that already. I’ve spent too many damn nights thinking and wondering why you suddenly did that. I don’t care anymore and I don’t feel anything any longer.”

“So, why are you questioning the change in partners?” I ask coldly

“I just wanted to know why. Do you loathe me that much to reach this kind of avoidance from me?” he asked, he’s voice cracking

“I don’t want to answer that Alex. You don’t care, and I don’t care, so let’s just leave it at that ok?” I told him and stormed away from him before I start crying

I walk and walk until I decided to stop. I sat on the ground and started to weep. Why am I doing this? I am getting hurt. Why?

He doesn’t care anymore. That’s a good thing right? But why am I hurt that he doesn’t care? This is the whole point why I decided to do this, so why do I feel like I’ve made a huge mistake? I just sat there until I felt that I’ve stayed too long moping on that same spot. I wander around and looked for our cabin. It’s number 400 right? I try to look around despite of my eyes being a little blurry because of the tears still coming out.

Finally, I see it and entered the cabin. I slowly shut the door, not wanting to disturb Jason. Maybe he was asleep already.

“For heavens sake, Sasha! Where have you been?” I hear Jason tell me while he approached me.

“And, what happened to you? Why do you look like you’ve been harassed? Did Gaskarth do anything to you?” he retaliated

I shook my head

“No, just a little tired. I am so sorry to turn up so late. What time is it?” I ask, trying to fix my face

“It’s two am” he answered

“Jess and Jack were waiting for you but then they got sleepy already so they decided to leave but they strictly told me to call them when you finally show up” he added

“It’s two am?”

“Yes. I was so worried Sash. I was this close to calling the teachers for help already”

“Sorry” I mumbled

“Are you sure you’re fine?”

“Yes. I just need to rest”

“Ok then, you could lie on the bed, I’ll just call jess”

“Thanks, good night”

♠ ♠ ♠
Here it is guys! I love all your comments! I am so happy that you guys are so excited about it hahaha! (:


And, yeahp, I really feel bad for Alex but sometimes, I really have to do these stuff. :(