I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 34

We finally arrive in the canteen, after the most awkward walk I’ve ever had in my entire pathetic life. Me and Alex never spoke or looked at each other, except the times wherein he would glare at me or give me a pissed look. I really let him down big time. He wasn’t usually this serious. I made him like this.

We enter the canteen and I saw Jess and Jack waving at me. They were seated together because maybe they were a pair? I don’t know exactly because you could sit with anyone during meal times. You don’t have to eat with your partner.

I reluctantly walk towards them but Jason caught my arm.

“Uh, I’ll see you later then?” he said

“Sure” I smile at him and he let go of my arm

As soon as I take my sit, Jess started to rant about my sudden disappearance last night.

“Where the hell did you go? Me and Jack waited like until one am and then Jason calls us at two thirty saying that you finally arrived” she finally finished

“Sorry” was all I could mutter

“Jason told us you left with Alex” Jack added “He was also missing. Katy was looking for him. What’s up with that?” he asked

I look up at them and sighed.

“We just talked for a bit and then separated right away. I decided to take a little stroll around but I fell asleep somewhere. I don’t know why he was missing” I answer tiredly

“What did you talk about? You never talk now. Like, ever since the last two weeks” Jess asked

“Nothing really. He just asked about the pairing and all”

She shook her head

“I bet he was hoping that he was paired with you and then he finds out that you switched with that bitch”

“Whatever, I think he doesn’t mind anyway. He just asked, he didn’t say that he wanted us to be partners. And besides, I am contended with my present partner now”

“Jason right? He’s neat and he’s not so bad” Jack smirked

I rolled my eyes. Here is Jack with his match making attempts again

“Why are you here anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be sitting with your friends?” I ask

“I just wanted to sit with my partner. You know, bond more” he answered shyly

I raised my eyebrow and nodded

Looks like Jack here is attracted to my little Jessy. How cute. Of course I will not tease them just yet. Maybe when they really get into each other, that’s when I can do my revenge. I mean, they always mock me. Jess with my not crushing on Alex and Jack trying to always tease me with Alex.

HAH, revenge will be sweet

We finish eating breakfast and the teachers start to prepare for the announcement of activities today.

“Today, everyone would be hiking in the woods and there will be flags hidden all around the forest. The goal is for each pair to find as much flags as they could and to be responsible enough not to lose them. This is not an easy job because it will require physical and men—“

I zoned out already after that. I didn’t want to listen to this long speech again. I just stare at the teacher as she finally finishes her little long speech. I hate boring speeches.

“So, ready to go partner?” Jason jumped behind me

“Yeah, sure” I answered timidly

“Hey why the cold response?” he asked

“Nothing, just not into this thing. I just want to sleep” I whined

He chuckled and shook his head “Sash, this is why you’re here. You have to do this”

“I know” I pouted while standing up “That’s why I hate it more”

We go back to our cabin and started to dress up for a long day of hiking. What is the whole point of this anyway? It’s pointless. We don’t get anything out of it.

“Do we get anything if we get the most flags?” I randomly asked him as he dresses up

“Not listening huh?” he smirked

“Guess not” I answered diffidently

“Well, the third place gets to have a good meal. You know, not the shit they serve here. They even get to choose what kind of food they want. The second place gets to have decent food but they don’t get to choose. The first place gets a free day”

Wow, I totally didn’t listen. I never thought there were prizes and that there was a ranking.

“Wow.” I utter

“Yeahp, Wow” he smiled

“Now, let’s go, before the flags in the forest vanish"
♠ ♠ ♠

I shall update again when I reach 180 comments :)) so, comment guys! I love all your comments! Please send me more! HAHAHAH! :)