I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 38

Jess and Jack left after a few minutes and now, I am here in my room, all alone. This is gonna be an awkward day. I have decided to avoid him as much as I could so maybe I’ll just stay in my room the whole day. The cabin isn’t that big and I don’t want to bump into him anywhere.

The safest place is here in my room.

After a few hours of hanging out in my tiny room, I got bored and hungry. I haven’t eaten anything ever since I woke up and all I do in here is stare at the ceiling. I haven’t eaten breakfast and it was ten a.m. already. I guess I’ll be eating brunch. Even If I didn’t want to, I went out of my room and headed to the kitchen. I just hope I was lucky not to see him in there—I wasn’t lucky enough because as soon as I step inside the kitchen, the first thing I saw was him. He was sitting on a chair and eating what looked like burnt bacon and eggs. I look at him and then down his plate. He looked back to me with a vacant expression. I instantaneously looked away as soon as I noticed him looking back at me.

I opened the cabinets to see if there was food available because we don’t eat here, we eat in the canteen area. Good thing there was a pancake mix in there. Maybe I’ll just eat that, it doesn’t matter what I eat because I am so hungry, I’d eat anything I could see. I turn on the stove and started to prepare the mix. I can feel Alex watching me as I do this then I heard his chair move and his footsteps. After a few minutes, I turned around and saw that he wasn’t there anymore.

He hated me so much that he couldn’t stand being in the same room as I.

I tried to ignore the tears in my eyes and started cooking the pancakes. It was finally cooked and I settled myself on the table to start eating. The entire cabin was silent, and it wasn’t a good one. It was definitely a cold and uncomfortable one. I’d rather go out and do something tiring than staying here. This free day was supposed to be a prize but I feel like I am being punished.

I finished eating so I washed my dishes. When I was done, I turned to leave the room and at that instant wherein I turned, Alex entered the room with his plate. He was popping out everywhere and I was always surprised whenever I see his cold and ignorant appearance.

He was like the walking dead around me. He didn’t talk, or react to anything. He is not like this when there are other people around. He was only like this whenever he was with me which confirms my suspicion that he was pissed at me.

He didn’t mind me, or acknowledge my presence, I felt like I was a ghost or thin air floating around. He went pass me and went straight to the sink. He started to wash the dishes and I just stand there, still in awe. He didn’t even say anything. It was like I wasn’t there at all.

That’s when I felt like I needed to confront him and ask him about his actions.
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I love all of you! I am happy that you guys comment so much! AND, yes, commenting a lot works! At least for me (:

AND, something will happen in the next few chapters! Can anyone guess the right one??

comment and tell me what you think!

Oh yeah, I've got a question. Does anyone here know how I can put the chapter titles in the middle? The ones in the summary page? SORRY, I just can't seem to figure out how!