I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 4

When the bell rang, I immediately stood up and swiftly ran out of the cursed room.

“So, how was Calculus?” Jess asked

“Annoying” I muttered

“Why? I thought you loved math?”

“Well, everyone’s ultimate crush is my seatmate.” I said evenly. I regretted saying this the second I heard Jess’ reaction

“NO WAY! You are so fucking lucky! I hate you! You don’t even like him and you get to sit beside him for the whole damn year?” she shouted

“Calm down Jess. It’s not like we’ll be best friends. We’re just seatmates for crying out loud. And besides, I’m not talking to him anyway.”

“Still! You get to talk to him whenever you like! You could just use Calculus as an excuse.”

“And why will I do that?” I asked, not interested

“Ugh, I hate you; you’re such a lucky bitch!” She slapped my arm

“Ow! That hurt!”

“You deserve it!” she grabbed me toward the canteen and we sat down.

“So, how was your class?” I asked

“Well” she said, looking bored “nothing much. No action for me”

“Okay?” I said not knowing what else to say

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jack.

“Hey Sash!”

“Jack! What’s up?” I beamed

“Everything’s fine. I hate school!”

“Right. You’ve hated it ever since you were born’

“Yeah. Vacation’s more fun” he said

“Okay. How was your summer?” I asked. He wasn’t able to answer anymore because some of his friends dragged him away. He shot me an apologetic face and let them carry him. I smiled back and nodded.

Jack is a good friend of mine. He was really nice and funny. We have been friends ever since we were freshmen. He didn’t get the English lesson so he asked me for help and we have been friend ever since. He was like the brother I never had.

The only thing about Jack is he was a best friend of Alex. I say this because Alex is not exactly a good influence to him. I mean, Jack has had his fair share of girls already but all of them were serious. While Alex, he had a girl every week and he always had these flings. At times, I had to remind Jack that he actually had a girlfriend at that time just so he wasn’t gonna cheat on her. He was always tempted with all the parties he attended with Alex.

“And, one more thing! You are friend with one of Alex’s best friends. Not just a friend, but BEST FRIEND Sash. Do you realize that you have a big chance?”

“Jess! I don’t wanna go there again”

“Fine” she pouted and continued eating
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YAY! people commented!! hahah! you guys really made my day! :)) i updated because of those who were thoughtful enough to comment

see, whenever i see that people take time to comment, i always have this urge to update for them. (even if they were only two. ) i am glad you guys like it

thanks a lot guys! and, please, keep the comments and subscriptions coming!