I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 40

Sandra’s P.O.V

“Alex?” I called his name. He didn’t budge or acknowledge it.

“Alex?” I called louder and a little pissed now.

I am sure he had heard it the first time. You could hear a needle drop with the silence in this cabin.

He finally turned around and faced me

“What?” he asked with no emotion

“Why are you treating me like this?” I ask softly now, because I was taken aback by his reply

“I cant hear you, speak louder” he said

“Why the fuck are you treating me like shit?’ I ask, my voice cracking a bit

He stared at me, looking bemused and stunned by what I just asked him.

“This is what you like right? That we don’t become friends and that we don’t talk anymore? That I stop pestering you with my confused questions and that I leave you alone? Well, this is me following you” he said icily

I stare at him, absolutely not expecting that he would say that.

He chuckled and shook his head

“Now, you’re confused that I am like this? You asked for it Sandra I am just giving you what you want. You don’t want me to be involved with you, then I’ll not force myself to you. Even if I am so fucking confused on why it all lead to this, I am coping and now I am trying to stay away from you.” He shot at me and walked out

I stand there, shocked of all the strong words he threw to me. He was right. I pushed him to be like this. He treated me like shit because I forced him to. It was my entire fault. Why was I even questioning him? I am such an idiot. I really hurt him a lot that he was able to say those harsh words to me. I am such an awful person.

Alex’s P.O.V

Fuck that took so much strength to say. I was too cruel to her. I should have not said those words. When I saw her face, I felt like I wanted to take everything back as soon as it went out my mouth. Her face showed hurt and shock. I never used that kind of talking to her. I was usually bright around her but now, I was too bad. I think what I just did was worse than me treating her like she didn’t exist.

But she wanted this right? This is exactly what she wanted. I was just giving it to her even if I didn’t want to. It pains me that I had to hurt her like that. Maybe I got too overboard with it. On the other side, if I don’t become mean to her, I might not ever be able to stay away from her.

I had to be callous to her or else I’ll never have the power to stay away.
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SurpriseSurprise! Two updates for today! :))

Because of all the love all of you showed me, I updated twice now. You all deserve it!

The twist shall happen in the next chapter! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!

And, please don't forget to comment!