I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 44

“What’s wrong? What’s with the face?” she asked as she walked towards me

I just look at her. I didn’t know what to say. At the same moment, Alex went in the room and took a deep breath.

“Katy I need to talk to you privately” he announced and then Katy quickly smiled and dragged him in the other room.

“What’s wrong?” came Jason’s worried voice now

I can feel tears forming in my eyes now “I am so so so sorry” I manage to say

“Why are you sorry?” Jason asked

“We—We got caught” I mutter and at the same time, I can hear Katy shouting “WHAT?” form the other room

“What? How? Why? “He asked

I was about to answer him when I hear hard footsteps approaching me

“You bitch! You can’t even keep us from trouble! You just had to be caught!” Katy charged to me and I saw Alex trying to stop her but she was just too strong

I sat there, finally feeling the tears going down my face as she went near me. She was about to pull my hair when Jess stopped her.

“Whoa there, slut, don’t you touch my best friend!” she spit at her and held both her hands

“Let go of my fucking hands loser” Katy shot at her

“Hey, hey, girls, can you please calm down?” Jack pulled Jess away form Katy while Jason pulled Katy seeing that Katy was ready to attack me again

I sat there, feeling a handful of tears coming out my eyes

“I am so sorry Jason.” I murmured

“It’s okay. It’s not only your fault anyway. We all agreed to this remember? Please stop crying” he said soothingly while he restrained Katy from going near me

“Let go of me! It’s that Bitch’s fault why we got caught! I’ve been doing this ever since freshmen year and I never got caught. It’s all her fault!” she shouted as she tried to pull away from Jason’s grip

“Katy, please just shut up OK? It’s not Sandra’s fault. I was the one who brought up the whole switching thing that’s why the teachers heard” Alex interjected” Stop blaming Sandra because it’s not her fault at all” he added

“Whatever. You’re just being nice to her because you’re a gentleman Alex” she told him

“No way am I a gentleman. It’s the truth” he stated

“Yeah, so stop fucking blaming my friend!” Jess spat at her

YOU! Shut the hell up because you’re not even supposed to be here” Katy shouted at her. “You have been such a loser ever since you were born and you don’t have a fucking right to even speak to me you BITCH!” Katy shouted.

That’s when I snapped and I decided to fight back. She can’t criticize and degrade my Jess just like that.

“You know what? You should just shut up yourself because in the first place, you were the one who offered me this stupid switch. The reason why you did that, I don’t know but I am smart enough not to think that it is because you are fucking crushing on Alex and you were slutty enough to stoop down to that level of switching partners just so you can have your turn with him.” I tell her, knowing that it was the real reason.

“You-“she tried to butt in but I had so much more to say

“And, you don’t have the fucking right to talk shit about my best friend because to be honest, you are the shit of this entire school. Yes, Jess might be inferior at times, but she is definitely not a slut like others out there. So, don’t you ever, and I mean, ever, disgrace my best friend like that. At least not in front of me or anywhere near me because I will completely tear your artificial hair apart and I will break your fucking polished nails into pieces” I threaten her. I was now so near her face as I was walking slowly towards her while I say these words.

“Yeah! That’s my girl!” Jack exclaimed

Jason smiled at me and nodded

“Fuck you!” Katy spitted out

“Sorry, but is that all you can fucking say? Fuck me?” I scoff at her and approached Jess

She looked like she was about to cry herself

“Jess, I am so sorry you have been dragged into this mess that I partly caused” I look down, feeling so guilty

I hear her sigh and I felt her hugging me

“Thank you Sash. You are really a real friend” She whispered to me and hugged me tighter. I hugged back

“Don’t you ever believe in anything that fucker says because she doesn’t know shit about you. If there was a person who has the right to criticize you, it’s me OK?” I joked, while sobbing

“Of course, only you Sash” she said back
♠ ♠ ♠
WHOA there. haha! That was so INTENSE. I love how Jess and Sash look out for each other (:

HAHAH, I actually updated all my stories TODAY! I am so proud of myself! THANKS to all the people who commented!

15 comments= an update so guys, comment away!

So, does anyone here know the band HEY MONDAY? Well, I am planning to have a story about them. Specifically about Elliot James! What do you guys think? Your thoughts and suggestions are very much appreciated.