I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 45

“I think you should go now, Katy” I heard Alex say while me and Jess were hugging

“What will I do now? Will we be punished for this?” Katy asked bitterly

“No, I was about to tell you about it but then you marched out of the room before I could even start. We’re not getting punished for this, but she said that they’ll be watching us and we have to seriously work with our partners now or else, that’s when we’ll get punished” he finished

“That’s fucking good because I am not getting punished because of them” Katy muttered and stormed out the room

“That is one wild girl” Jack whispered

“Yeah, I was having a hard time restraining her” Jason said as he stretched his arm

“Are you OK?” Jason turned to me

“Yeah, I am OK, I just have a little headache. I don’t usually shout at people. I think my head got traumatized. I was too mad.” I smiled weakly.

He chuckled “Not use to getting angry huh?”

“Yeahp. I usually stretch my patience for people but I just couldn’t do it when the person is tormenting my best friend.”

He smiled

“Well, I guess this is the end of our partnership. It was fun while it lasted” he slowly walked to me and hugged me

“Indeed” I spoke softly

“I should go to my cabin now” he pulled away and held my shoulders

“Good luck with her” I mocked

“I might just need that luck.” He said and then exited the room

I sighed when he was finally gone. I felt Jess’ hand on my shoulder and saw her smiling at me.

“I am glad that you’ll not be punished. I just hope you do the right thing now” she smiled weakly and then turned to Alex who was just standing there the whole time.

“Alex, I trust that you’ll not give her a hard time OK?” she told him and then both her and Jack exited the room.

Did Jess just talk to Alex? She never talked to Alex because according to her, she can’t do that because of her crush on him. Or, did she finally get over crushing on him? There can only be two reasons to that. It can be that she got over him already or she has someone else. I am so asking her tomorrow. I am not letting this go.

For now, it was only me and Alex again. How the hell will we make this work? I decided to set the rules to avoid fighting in completing all the work given to us. He turned away, as soon as we were left alone. No surprise to that.

“Alex, we need to talk” I said with a stern tone

He slowly turned around and faced me with a tired face

“To be able to work together, we need to be able to respect each other first. Can we try to forget about everything that happened and work together? I am not asking that you forget it completely. I am just asking for you to set it aside for now. I don’t want us to be constantly fighting. “

“Fine” he muttered and walked away

“I don’t give a damn anymore” I heard him whisper or was it just me?
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AS PROMISED, because I got 16 comments, I UPDATED! :) This is kinda a filler, but hey, at least I updated right?

So, does anyone want a DOUBLE update? yeah? well, I can give one if I get a total of 315 comments!! YOU GUYS CAN DO IT! You're so much! This story has the most readers, subscribers and commenters so I trust that all of you can work for it easily :D And, I never break my promises, so if I really get 315 comments, I really will UPDATE. I especially want to hear from new people! PLEASE?