I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 48

“You’re not doing it right.” I plainly say

“No, did you read it? It says that we have to do this first before putting on that cloth” he answered

“Whatever, you never listen. Do what you want but don’t blame me when that fucking tent goes all wrong” I snap at him and sat on the ground

I’ve been trying to convince him that what he was doing was wrong but then, he won’t listen. What kind of partner is that? He was such a spoiled brat. Agh.

“You’re not even doing anything. Why can’t you try to help me with these shit?” he snapped back

“I am trying to help, but you won’t let me”

“Yes, I am letting you. I told you to hold this bunch of wood for me”

“What am I? Your assistant? I am trying to help you by telling you that what you’re doing is all wrong.” I spit out

“You know what, just don’t say anything OK? You’re giving me a headache”

You’re giving me a headache!” I yell out now

“Whoa, calm down guys” I hear Jess say as she approached us

“Yeah, it’s just a tent” Jack added

“It’s not just a fucking tent!” we both yell back to them

We stopped and looked at each other. That was weird, we said the same thing. I shrugged it off and looked back to Jess

“He wont listen to me” I pointed to Alex

“She won’t help me” he shot back

“It’s not my fault you’re doing it all wrong” I glare at him. I cannot believe this. We were just building the tent and we were arguing already.

“OK, OK, guys, this is what you call team work.” Jess said while waving her arms

“Yeah, listen to each other. Don’t ambush one another” Jack said

I rolled my eyes “how am I going to listen to all his dumb comments?” I ask them

“That is just too mean Sasha” Jess pointed out

“Definitely a low blow. You guys are partners! You should at least treat each other with respect. Even if you don’t like each other, which I don’t understand, because before, you used to be good friends. I don’t know what happened” Jack retaliated

“Yeah. Try to finish that—tent, if you call it that Ok? No fighting or arguing”


“No buts just do it” they both say with an authoritative voice and then walked away

“Fuck” I mutter

“All right, what the hell do you think am I doing wrong?” he asked like he was being forced to do it

“Don’t say that just because you’re being forced to work this out” I say as I continue to look to the ground

“Sorry. But I am trying to work this out even If I don’t feel like it because I can’t fail anymore.” He told me while he was trying to fix the “tent”.

“Well, you wanted to be followed right? Then that’s what I’ll do. I’ll follow you all the way”

“What? We are a team Sandra! You’re so impossible” he hissed

You’re impossible too ALEX” I yell at him and marched off

I know I was being unfair again but I can’t take it. I can’t take how he was being so mean to me. I just want us to be like before. I want us to be friends again, but then it looks like he doesn’t want that to happen anymore. Why can’t he just be nice to me even if it was fake? I would gladly take that than suffer like this. I mean, here I am, and trying my best to respect him but then there he is, contradicting my every move. This so unjust

I don’t have to be nice to him; I just need to be civil to him. Yeah, I am so not gonna treat him nicely anymore, seeing that he’s not even treating me anywhere near being polite.
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I seriously LOVE LOVE all of you! I swear! All of you are so participative! You guys really comment and I love it because it makes me happy! hahaha! It makes me feel liike all the stuff I write are truly loved! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!

AND, about the making up thing, I PROMISE that they will be making up SOON! Just wait! I promise, that they will! Specifically on CHAPTER 50 or 51! YEAH, wait for it!