I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 51

Did he seriously try to look for me? He was the last person I thought who would worry about me, especially when I thought that he hated me right now and maybe forever. I reluctantly turn my head to face Alex. He was looking down.

“Alex?” I call to him

He slowly lifted his head to meet my face

“Is it true what Jess said? You were the one who found me?” I ask him

He nodded

I just look at him. He looked really sincere. It was like he was the same Alex from before. I couldn’t find anything to tell him.

“Ok, guys, I think we should go now. It’s time.” Jess announced

“But—“Jack tried to say but Jess dragged him out already

“Jason? You don’t want to be late do you?” Jess popped her head from outside

“Uh, yeah, yeah, I am on my way” Jason said softly and then stepped out

It was me and Alex again

“Thanks” I mumble

“That’s Ok. I am really sorry for pushing you to walking out. If I didn’t piss you off, you would not walk aimlessly to the woods”

“Nah, that’s my fault. I am just too dumb to realize it” I find myself smiling to him

Unexpectedly, he smiled back. I suddenly felt so happy. I’ve never seen that genuine smile for a long time. It felt so good to see it again.

“I thought I was going to lose you already” he whispered

He said it like it was a big deal for him. Didn’t he hate me? I look at him with a confused face. He seems to notice it and said “Oh, I mean, I didn’t want to lose my partner, you know”

“Oh” for some reason I didn’t want him to just worry about losing his partner. I wanted him to fret about losing me.

“Yeah, of course” I tried to fake a smile

“So, as your partner, Mrs. Wilson assigned me to stay here with you until you get better. And, if my memory serves me right, she clearly said that as soon as you woke up, I should give you something to eat. What would you want to eat?” he asked

I looked at him in awe. Why is he so nice? Wasn’t it that it was only two days ago when he treated me so bad? I look at him, still stunned but I managed to snap out of it and I looked for something to say

“Uh, well, anything’s fine. I am quite hungry, I can eat anything edible”

“Okay then. I’ll just get something. Just wait here” he said as he exited the room

That was really bizarre. Did he have a change of heart when I got lost? Or maybe he really felt bad that he decided to be civil to me? He absolutely wasn’t as sweet before but I’d gladly take the civil Alex than the rude Alex. My thoughts were cut when the door slowly opened. Alex was there, holding a tray of food.

“Here. Sorry but this is all I could bring,” he apologized and put the tray in front of me

“That’s fine. After one and a half days without food, this is like heaven already” I smiled and started eating

“So, how’d you find me?” I ask while I drank water

“Oh, uh… I was looking around and I heard you walking and then I heard you fall down after a few seconds.” He plainly answered

“Oh. I remember being able to walk and falling straight down. That’s all” I frowned

He chuckled softly “That’s OK, you don’t have to remember it any longer. It’s better that you forget that terrible experience”

I couldn’t help but smile wider to him. He just chuckled. I mean, when we were OK, he laughed a lot but when I decided to screw things up and cut him out of my life, he never chuckled or smiled around me. It was like I was seeing the real Alex again.

As much as I wanted to deny it, I liked seeing the old Alex for a second time
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Not the intense "make up" you guys were expecting huh? Hey, at least they are nice to each other right? This is when I gradually put them close together. I think that it would be weird if they just suddenly become comfy with one another after everything that happened. As one of you commented, this is when things get extremely CUTE ;)

So, I have another adorable pic of Alex here. I have an observation though, is it just me or is Alex fond of the "peace" sign? He always does that pose!


comments might just make me update SOONER ;)