I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 52

I was fine after two days of rest. Mrs. Wilson said that we can join the activities as soon as I felt okay already. We only had four days left in camp and we missed the whole “surviving in the woods” task. Thank God. I wouldn’t want to do that anyway. Now, I think we can sleep in the cabins already and we will all have a new set of activities.

“We start working tomorrow again. Somehow, I am glad that you got a little sick because we were able to rest for a few days. Not that I am thankful that you got sick though” he said, while we walk into the cabin.

He has been chatty and friendlier now; I am liking his new treatment to me.

“Yeah, I liked it also” I say, as I sat on the couch.

I was startled when the door suddenly flew open and Jess was running towards me.

“HEY! I think we both need to talk and bond! Let’s go!” she grabbed my arm without waiting for my answer

Jess was random at times, and this is one of those times. She just grabbed me out of there and now she’s dragging me to an unknown place.

“Jess, can I ask where we are?” I ask her as she pulled me with her

“Somewhere wherein no one can disturb our girl time” she smiled and sat on the grass

I sigh “what do you want to talk about?” I say as I sat down next to her

“You know what, or should I say, who” she grinned

I groan as I understand what she was trying to say. Alex again.

“What do you want to know now?” I ask with an uninterested tone

“Hmmm, want to know something?” she asked


“When you got lost, he panicked like shit”

I blinked a few times, absorbing what she had said.

“We were looking for you, like for the whole day but we never found you. We all rested but then Alex didn’t give up. Maybe that’s why he found you. He never rested. The whole time you were lost, he was going crazy trying to find you.” She continued, making me even more speechless

“Honestly, Sash, I think you have to wake up and start seeing Alex and appreciate him. He really cares about you, you know”

I just look at her. I honestly didn’t know what to say.

“I also think you are attracted to him, even if it isn’t that strong, I can see that you’re still drawn to him. I see how you look at him. It’s different when you look at Jack. It’s not friendship, but more than that. I know because I’ve known you for years and you never looked at anyone with the way you look at Alex.”

I hated it when Jess saw right through me. I really can’t ignore this feeling I had ever since before. This was the whole reason why I tried to push him away. Even if I did that, the feeling didn’t change. In fact, I think it got even stronger. When he didn’t treat me nice, I get hurt and each time he is harsh to me, I always wished that he was as sweet like before.

“I dunno Jess. I am not sure about myself” I mutter

“Well, figure it all out before you run out of time!” she squealed

“Fine” I say, kinda scared of her screaming
♠ ♠ ♠
An update for all of you!

It feels weird because I have nothing else to say! wahahha! Usually, I blurt out some random subject but I just cannot think of anything to say now! hahah :))

Anyway, I have a picture again. The guys are so CUTE!


comment! please?