I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 53

I walk back to the cabin, thinking of what Jess said. Jess was always the one waking me up whenever I was doing something wrong. She knew me better. Knowing this, I really thought about what she said. Did I really like Alex so much? I know I felt something, but was it that strong? I don’t even realize it.

I open the door and found Alex eating in the kitchen

“Hey.” He greeted me

“Hi, what are you eating?” I ask, looking at the plate

“Uh, I don’t know, cereals” he answered

“It’s eight pm and you’re eating cereals?” I mused

“Yeah. What’s wrong with that? You can eat cereals anytime you want you know” he said matter of factly

I laugh softly and walked out the room

“Hey, where are you going?” he shouted to me while I walk away

“I am sleeping” I say as I enter my room.

I crashed on the bed and fell asleep.


I woke up and felt the sunshine on me. I sat up and then looked at my night stand. It was seven in the morning. I stood up and headed to the bathroom. I got a quick shower and then changed.

I went out the room and saw Alex getting dressed already.

“Ready?” he asked as he buttoned his shirt

“Uh, yeahp” I say, looking at his bare chest. I caught myself staring so I quickly looked away before he catches me.

“Let’s go then?” he said then opened the door for me

“Ladies first of course” he smiled at me

I smiled back and walked out.

Alex’s P.O.V

When Sandra was lost, I didn’t know what to do. I was literally going ballistic. I thought that she might never be found and it will be my entire fault. I wouldn’t want to lose her either. I was being so mean to her that’s why she ended up walking out from me hence getting lost in the forest. When I found her lying on the ground, I suddenly felt guilty about how I treated her. She looked so weak and fragile that time.

I watched her for two days on the bed. She looked so soft and delicate. It looked like she would break into pieces if I tried to touch her. That’s when I told myself that I will start being nice to her again. I couldn’t do it anymore. I will treat the way I did before even if I get wounded doing it. I will not be mean to her ever again. Although by doing this, I could get hurt because she might push me away again. I don’t care about what I would feel anymore.

I just want to make her happy even if she hates me for it.
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Guys, I love all your comments! :)) They make me happy especially when I am having a bad day :)

Anyway, I just wanna say this. I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THE NEW ALL TIME LOW RECORD! I swear, I can't wait anymore! I shall buy the second they start selling it!! --Nothing personal.

Anyway, now that I got that out, I would be really happy if you comment!

BTW, Is anyone interested in following yours truly in twitter? If you are, you are most welcome! Click--->trissshhh

And, one last thing, sorry if I put too much cusses in here. Tell me if it's too much, and I shall control my mouth! I really curse a lot and I guess it shows in my stories :))