I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 54

As we both walk in the eating area, I see Katy glaring at me and whispering things to her friends. I look down and continued walking. I bet she’s still furious about the teachers finding out.

“Don’t worry, she can’t hurt you” I hear Alex whisper to me

I look up to him and smiled weakly

“Thanks” I say

“Anytime. Just tell me if she does anything to you, I’ll talk to her OK?” he patted my back and walked to his table. I did that as well, walking to where Jess was sitting.

“Hey, looks like the two of you are doing well?” she said, smiling an evil grin

“We’re better than before. At least now, we kinda talk more and we respect each other” I mutter

“That’s a start!” she squealed.

“Jess stop assuming that we will end up together and live happily ever after because that is just plain impossible” I sigh

“Oh come one, give him a chance! You two are perfect together!” she continued

“Anyway, how are you and Jack?” I smirked at her, knowing that something’s up with them

“Fine. He’s really sweet” she said with a dreamy voice

“You are so into him. I have a feeling he’s also into you” I say as I see Jack glancing at our table for the hundredth time.

“How do you know?” she asked

“Jack has been looking at our table non stop and I am pretty sure he’s not looking at me” I grin at her

She turned slight red

“Oh my God. He’s looking here?” she murmured

I nodded, giggling a bit

“Why can’t you two be together already?” I ask

She was just silent. She looked like she was going to say something but then stopped herself

“What? What’s with the silence?” I asked

“Actually Sash, uh, don’t freak out OK? We are actually together already” she said with a shaky voice

I could almost feel my eyes bulge out of my sockets and I dropped the spoon I was holding.

“Since when?” I ask with an obvious shock

“Since that day when we were building the tents and you and Alex were fighting. I was going to tell you later that day but you got all lost and stuff.”

“Why didn’t you tell me when I woke up?”

“Because we figured that we would tell you when you are strong enough because you might freak out”

“WE? The two of you thought of this?!” I asked again

“Ye-yeah” she stuttered

“I can’t believe you guys didn’t tell me right away! I hate you!” I whine

“Sorry Sash. But you know, you’re the first person we told about this.” She smiled

“Really? Not even Alex knows? I mean, he’s Jack’s best friend right?”

“Nope. I told Jack that I needed to tell you first before he went around telling his friends”

“Aww! Jess that’s so thoughtful of you!” I said while hugging her

“I hope you guys have fun together! Jack is a nice guy even if sometimes he’s a little too hard to handle”

“Thanks for the warning!” she laughed

I look at Jack’s table then smiled and nodded to him. He smiled back with what I can say is the widest smile I ever saw him wear. They must really like each other.

I am happy that at least something good happened to them in this camp.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY! Some action for Jess and Jack. I just noticed now that their names start with the same letter and it feels weird to say it. haha, Sorry, I am just weird. :/ So, nothing much about Alex and Sash here, but just wait for the next one? :))

I am so sorry for not being able to update for so long. I was busy and then I was off somewhere recently :D I promise to update sooner, as soon as I finish writing!


Cute pic huh? I just feel like it's dejavu because I posted a pic of William Beckett in my other story and he was also holding a phone. hahah :)) Don't forget to comment guys! You know how I love all of it!