I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 56

“So, what do you think of this?” he suddenly asked

“I think it’s a perfect sight. I love it” I answered softly

He laughed “That’s not what I meant. I meant like how we treat each other now”

“Oh! It’s good that we don’t yell at each other anymore” I smile at him as I say this

“Yeah I guess. I just want you to know that I am really sorry for treating you like shit these past few weeks. I was just confused about myself” he muttered

“That’s okay. Actually, I think I am the one who’s supposed to say sorry. I should have not hurt you like that. I should have given you a valid reason for avoiding you. I was so stupid and I wasn’t thinking” I said apologetically

“Awww, that’s all right. I put all of that in the past already.”

“Re—really?” I ask surprised on how easily he can forgive

“Yeah of course” he smiled wider

“So, uh, can we start over and be friends again?” I offered

“For real?” he asked

“Yes, Alex, real friends” I giggled

I could see his eyes glitter a bit and his face lightened up like before. I was glad to see his old happy face again

“Are—are you serious?!” he asked again

“Yeah Gaskarth!” I smacked his arm at how strange he is acting

“YAY! I am so happy! We can be friends again!” he said and suddenly hugged me tightly.

I must say, I missed this hug and his happy personality. I should have done this a long time ago. It could have saved me form all the depression and chaos I have undergone.

Alex’s P.O.V

I am so happy that she wanted to be friends again. I mean, I know in myself that I wanted more than that but I am contented with friendship already. At least I can be with her anytime I wanted and I wasn’t hurting her anymore. I hate being such an ass to her while deep inside, I really liked her to death.

I wish I could tell her how I felt but if I tell her, I might freak her out and then she’ll really stay away from me. I definitely wouldn’t want that to happen. I need to control my feelings as much as I could. Even if I really want to kiss her right now, I wouldn’t.

“Oh! Alex, let’s take pictures using my camera!” she suggested cheerfully

“Okay! I love taking pictures!”

She held the camera and clicked to our smiling faces. After that, we started taking random and candid pictures of the two of us. It was really fun because she made these really funny poses that I never imagined her doing. She was a really creative and beautiful girl and she doesn’t even try. What more if she does?

She’ll surely look like a goddess already.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the confusion abut chapter 57 guys! I accidentally double updated the same chapter and I don't know why mibba still had chapter 57 when I deleted it already (:

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ANYWAY, do you guys remember the hey Monday story I was telling you about? Well, I posted the summary and layout already! Can you check it out and tell me what you think? THANKS!

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