I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 58

After the little game we played, we proceeded to our cabin to rest and pack. We were actually leaving the day after tomorrow. I was happy that we are free tomorrow. Our last day at camp was always a free day wherein we can do anything we want and actually have fun after all the suffering and body pain we went through.

“So, what are you doing tomorrow?” Alex asked as he packed his clothes

“I dunno. Maybe hang out with Jess?” I answered

“Oh, I am afraid you can’t do that” he said


“Jack is taking her tomorrow.”

“Really? Jess didn’t tell me anything.”

“That’s because she doesn’t know. Jack will be surprising her. They really look good together aren’t they?”

“Oh so you know about them already?”

“Yeah, just this morning. I choked it out of him when I saw you smirking at him while having breakfast. I also felt that there was something going on between those two” he chuckled while closing his bag

“Oh” I nodded

“I guess I’ll just hang around here. I don’t have anyone to go with me” I said while I sat on the couch

“Or, you can come and hang out with me. I was also supposed to go with Jack tomorrow but he has a date” he proposed as he sat beside me

I thought about it. There’s nothing wrong with that I guess. I smile at him and nodded

“Okay then. Since our best friends are leaving us tomorrow, let’s just stay together”

He smiled wider and his eyes glittered

“Really?” he exclaimed

“Yeah why not?”

“That is so perfect! We can bond like old times!”

“Whatever you want Alex as long as we don’t die in the process” I joke

“Of course not! I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble! We’ll have so much fun tomorrow!”

“Sure” I smile again. He looked like an excited kid in a toy store.

The door opened unexpectedly and then Jess came marching in. I really think we should always remember to lock the door because people always enter our cabin without asking for permission.

“Hey guys! What’s up?” Jess announced in the cabin

“Nothing’s up” I answered plainly

“Oh! Why so moody?” she plopped beside me

“You can always try knocking Jess” I scolded her

“The door wasn’t locked” she accused

“Even though!”

“Okay okay! Sorry for barging in like that. Happy now?” she smiled

I rolled my eyes and nodded

“I heard the two of you finished early?” she inquired

“Yeah. We just hung around here after turning in the picture” Alex answered for me

“Oh. So what did you guys do?”

“Nothing. Just went around” I told her

“Where’s Jack anyway?” I ask her

“Oh, yeah, he went back to our cabin to rest. He was so tired from all the hiking we did. Actually I just dropped by here. I’ll get going already” she said then automatically stood up

“Bye Jess” I say as she ran to the door and shut it

“Is she for real?” Alex asked me, still confused about the whole barging in and then leaving at once

“She is really like that” I sigh and stood up

“Wait, where are you going?” he stopped me by holding my hand

“I need to get some sleep” I said as I yawned

“Oh, okay then. Night!” a wide grin grew on his face

“Night Alex” I smiled back and then went straight to my room.

I was out in a matter of minutes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oops… no kiss in there! You guys watch out for it! I actually updated today because of all your comments! I may update everyday if you guys keep up the comment flow! Haha! I swear, they make me happy! Especially new commenters! Don’t be afraid to comment! I won’t get mad! They actually cheer me up ;)

Anyway, I posted a requested one shot and I hope you guys try reading it? Honestly, it's my first time to write one because I don't usually write one shots and no one asked me yet until recently. (:

It's a One Shot Thing

P.S. It's an Alex Gaskarth one shot btw