I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 59

I wake up feeling lighter and happier because of yesterday’s events. I exit my room and sleepily proceeded to the bathroom. As I reach for the knob, I saw it turn a little, signaling that someone was actually inside and he was on his way out. Before I completely realize it, Alex suddenly showed up with nothing but a towel around his waist. I am now absolutely awake. I was half asleep just moments ago and I am shaken up by this. I look at him with wide eyes and he directly looked at me.

“Uh… hi! You’re awake already?” he asked as he walked out the bathroom

“Ye—yeah.” I stuttered. I can’t help but stare at his body.

I haven’t been this close to him when he was just wearing a towel. I mean, I did see him in boxers through my window but I am kinda far from him. This time, we’re just too close to each other.

He smiled

“Sorry if I freaked you out. I’ll go change now” he walked to his room then shut the door.

“Shit” I muttered under my breath while entering the bathroom

Why the hell was I staring at him? I bet he noticed it. Honestly, he had a nice body and he looked hot when his hair was wet. He also smelled nice maybe— OH NO, NO. I should not be thinking this. I cannot feel like this for him. I just can’t. I calmed myself in the bathroom and washed my face

“No way Sash” I tell myself in front of the mirror

“No way” I mutter again as I go out the bathroom.

I was ironically welcomed in kitchen by Alex’s gorgeous smile.

“Hey! Morning!” he greeted

“Good morning!” I try to sound normal

I can’t push him away from me anymore because I wouldn’t want to hurt him like I did before. I’ll just have to keep and control what I am feeling. I definitely cannot like him because I will not allow myself to. I can’t and I won’t. We are just friends. Strictly friends!

“So, you wanna go out and hang around outside?” he asked

“Uh, yeah sure” I said as I drank some water

We both go out the cabin and started to walk around.

“I am so happy that we have this free day and also that the whole camp thing is done” he told me as we stroll around

“Yeahp. The free day is a good consolation for all the hardships we went through.”

“Oh! I’ve got an idea! Let’s go swimming!” he suddenly blurted out

“Where?” I ask not seeing any pool around the area

“Remember the river we saw? It’s not that far off. It’s only a thirty minute hike there”

“Oh! Yeah! I want to go back there! But do you remember the way?” I squeal with excitement

“Yeah, I still remember. Come, let’s go now, we’ve got a lot of time” he cheered and grabbed my hand

I felt comfortable when he held my hand to his already. I didn’t mind much anymore. We walked until I caught the sight of the river. I automatically let go of his hand and ran to the river. I knelt down and put my hands in the water. This is just perfect.

I would love to swim here.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, hmm, can anyone guess when it would be? haha, I am telling you, it will really be unexpected. (Even the way it will be delivered) It wouldn't be the one you'll expect... (:

comment and tell me what you think about this update! I am really happy that I get new readers/commenters every update and I hope I get new ones again. Please? I love seeing new people, really