I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 61

Alex’s P.O.V

Oh fuck. Why the hell did I kiss her? Didn’t I just say yesterday that I will stop myself from doing anything like this? I just couldn’t control my feelings when I am around her. Her face was too close to mine that I was really tempted to kiss her. On the other hand, she kissed back. Why did she kiss back? Did she feel the same way or she was just shocked for my sudden show of affection for her? The thing is, after kissing back, she pulled away at once. Maybe she realized what she was doing so she immediately moved away. I honestly felt a little hurt but what can I do? We were supposed to be friends and friends don’t kiss each other like we did.

Sandra’s P.O.V

After pulling away, I looked at his face. I couldn’t describe his expression. I saw confusion and hurt. I pursed my lips and looked down. I can’t afford to look at him straight.

“So—sorry” he muttered shyly and looked down as well.

“Ye—yeah” I stuttered and swam out the water.

He followed me and started drying himself.

“You—you want to go back now?” he asked

“Yeah, I think we have to” I answered trying to look for a shirt and pants.


We both walk back silently. It was really awkward. I mean, we kissed each other. What did that mean? Why did he suddenly do that? The more important thing to ask myself is why did I kiss back? Why wasn’t I able to stop myself? I thought I was strong enough to control my feelings but seeing what just happened, I am not strong as I thought I was.

We enter the cabin and he finally faced me. He looked like he was so nervous to talk.

“Sandra, I—“

“It’s okay Alex. You don’t have to explain. I’ll just forget about it” I blurted out, not wanting to talk about what just happened

“Ah, ye—yeah okay” he said with a soft voice

“I’ll just rest first” I told him and then proceeded to my room

Alex’s P.O.V

I have to tell her how I feel. I have to explain to her why I did that. This is my chance already. I am sure she also wants to know why I did that, she’s just scared to find out the reason. Maybe I’ll do it after she rests. We’re still both tensed about what had just happened and we need to reflect about it ourselves first.

I forced myself to take a nap but I couldn’t. I am too nervous about what I’ll tell Sandra. What the hell will I tell her to not scare her away from me again? I also braced myself for the worst. She can reject me and get mad at me for ruining our friendship. I mean, what if she just wanted to be friends and she sees my attraction to her as ruining our friendship?

I have never been this worried about telling a girl that I liked her. Usually I just come up to a girl with so much confidence but Sandra is very different out of all of the girls I met. I really like her and I am ready to have a serious relationship with her.

I just hope she feels the same way for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa, I honestly think this chapter has the most point of view switches! haha, well, I wanted all of you to know how both of them felt about it. I hope you understood why they are both afraid of saying their true feelings for each other! (: Thanks for all the comments guys! I love the new commenters, AGAIN! I swear, they make me happy!

And yeah, I posted chapter 1 in my Elliot James story already. It would make me happy if you guys read it. THANKS!

Tell me how you love me now

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