I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 64

“Okay then. I have a proposition for you” I said as I considered everything he told me

“Anything” he said, still nervous

“I can see that you never really intended to hurt or play with anyone’s feelings. I also know that you’re a really nice guy, if I would get to know you more. “

“Where is this heading?” he asked softly

“I want you to show me that you are really serious about being with me. Prove to me that you’ll not play with me. I am honestly scared that if I answer you, you’ll hurt me just like those other girls and I don’t want to be like that. I am a girl who wants a serious relationship and not just a fling” I say with a serious voice

“I am serious about being with you and I am ready to prove it to you. You’re a very different girl Sandra. I never felt anything close to how I feel about you now. I will do anything to get you” he whispered with a lot of determination in his voice

“Fine. If you get to let me see that, maybe I may actually consider being with you Gaskarth” I grin at him

“Oh yeah I will. Just wait!” he threatened and a glow was obviously showing on his face.

We were disturbed when the door bell rang. I swiftly stood up and answered it. I saw Jack smiling at me as soon as I open the door

“What are you doing here?” I ask surprised

“Not happy to see your best friend huh? I just thought we can bond and play guitar tonight” he beamed

“Oh right. Okay then” I smiled at him and then Alex peeked from behind

Jack gave me a surprised face

“Alex?” he asked as Alex smiled at him

“Hey!” Alex greeted

“What are you doing here? Oh, am I disturbing you guys?” he said playfully

My eyes widened.

“No! Of course not! Come in” I kinda shouted at first

“O-kay” Jack smirked and walked in

“Dude, I don’t know you played guitar.” Alex asked Jack as he entered carrying his stuff

“Oh—uh” Jack stuttered. He didn’t want anyone knowing about this.

“That’s really cool. Why didn’t I know that?” Alex smiled at him and gave him a light punch on the shoulder

“You—you think its okay?” Jack asked softly

“Uh, yeah of course. It’s really weird that I didn’t know that and Sandra here knows. We are best friends right?” he asked jokingly

“Yeah sure. Sandra just knows my different side” Jack chuckled as I gave him juice

“So, what are we doing now?” I ask Jack

“Hmmm, how about, uh, here, can you look at these? I want your honest opinion” he handed me his notebook

I read the lyrics and the sophisticated composition he made.

“This is amazing” I beam as I read it

“Really? Are you sure?” he asked nervously

“Uh-huh” I grin at him

“Here, Alex, you check it” I gave the notebook to Alex

Jack gave me a worried face as I handed the notebook to Alex

“Jack its okay. It’s just Alex” I smile to him

“Why? What’s wrong with me seeing this?” Alex asked as he read the notebook

“Jack here is kinda shy of letting people know about this” I sigh

“Why? These are really good man” Alex muttered as he continued reading

“You think so? I thought you would make fun of me” he whispered

“Why? There’s nothing to make fun of, only something to look up to. These are astounding”

“See, I told you he’ll love it” I smirk at Jack

“That’s because he’s Alex. He’s my nest friend” Jack said softly

“Yeah, but it’s really good dude. I bet other people will love this too” Alex cut in
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Guuys, thanks for the comments! haha, they make me smile ;) Even if I only got a few comments, I still got new commenters. That's good enough for me!

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