I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 67

The class started and I was getting bored again. I hate it whenever the teacher has this monotonous voice because it makes me feel extra sleepy. I sigh and brought out the notebook wherein I write random stuff whenever I am bored in life. Yeahp, I’ve got a notebook full of my writings as an outcome of boring classes like this. I started to scribble some thoughts I had until I felt something hit my hand. I looked to see what it was. It was a piece of crumpled paper. I looked up and saw Alex smiling and pointing at the paper I was holding. I roll my eyes and opened it.

What are you doing?

I shook my head as I got my pen and scribbled my answer

Nothing. And stop passing notes! I don’t wanna be caught!

After writing that, I swiftly threw it on his table

I have this phobia from getting caught in class for passing notes because once, I had a classmate who was caught and the teacher read the entire note out loud and I felt really bad for the girl who got caught. I didn’t want that to happen to me.

Why? Not that adventurous huh?

I read the note he passed back to me. What the hell. Can’t he understand the English language?! I just told him to stop it and here he is passing me another one


OF COURSE NOT! I just don’t want to be caught!

Oh, yeah, for our “real” date, can we have it this weekend? Like, Saturday? The whole day! (:

I groan as I felt the paper on my hand again.

FINE! Whatever you want ok? Just quit passing!

He smiled as he read the note I literally shoved on his table

YAY! The whole day ok?! You can’t take it back anymore!

I was seriously getting pissed already. I was supposed to be writing stuff on my notebook now but instead, I am passing notes with this guy.

F-I-N-E. Now, STOP OK?!

I hear him chuckle as he read the note I passed back.

“Mr. Gaskarth, would you care to share with us the reason you are laughing over there?” the teacher asked as Alex continued laughing

“OH, sorry. I just remembered something really hilarious.” He said while laughing

“Please try to keep it to yourself and not distract the class” the teacher said strictly

“Sorry.” He smiled and tried to stop himself from laughing

After that, he turned to me and winked. I scoff and turned to look outside the window. I can’t believe I am going on a date with the Alex Gaskarth. Didn’t I say at the start of the year that I would never date this guy? How the hell did I end up in this situation? I guess things just happen without me knowing it. Moreover, I definitely cannot believe that I am actually attracted to him. I never thought that I would even give him a second look because he was absolutely not my type.

He charmed me too much that I eventually fell for it
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tsktsk, passing notes huh? hahha, anyway, a huge THANK YOU to all of you who commented! I love all of you! You guys really made me smile and laugh at the same time! :)) I also got new commenters and that makes me even happier!


Drop a comment and make me happy again alright?