I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 71

I groan as I enter the kitchen. I see Alex sitting on a chair drawing circles on the table

“Alex?” I mutter as I come nearer to him

He jumped a little then turned to me wearing that smile again. I suddenly forgot why I was annoyed just minutes ago.

“Hi! I just dropped by to see if you needed company, turns out your mom’s home early today” he said with a hint of nervousness in his voice

“Oh, thanks” my face softened as I sat across from him

“Sandra, you can bring your guest in the living room. The kitchen isn’t a place to mingle with a visitor ” my mom smiled to us

“O-Kay. Let’s go to the living room then” I whispered and walked out the kitchen.

Alex followed me with a smile still plastered across his face

“You’re mom’s nice. I freaked out when she answered the door but she was really kind. She’s not scary like other moms” Alex told me as we sat on the couch

“Uh, thanks?” I say as I turned on the TV

“So, you’re alone in your house?” I ask him

“Yeah. I came over thinking that you would be alone too. I also needed company actually.” He answered

“Oh.’ I say watching a random show

“Where’s your dad?” he asked after a few minutes of silence

“Uh, he’s working out of the country right now. He’ll be back soon. I just don’t know when exactly” I tell him

“Oh” he nodded and continued watching

“Hey, it’s time to eat” my mom called from the kitchen

We both stand up and went straight to the kitchen.

“It smells so good here” Alex said dreamily

“Go on, dig up. I know you’re all hungry” my mom said happily

We all sat down and started to put food on our plates.

“Oh, this is really good Mrs. Jacobs” Alex said while chewing a mouthful of pasta

“Aww, thanks. And, please call me Cory.” My mom smiled to him’

“Oh, of course, Cory it is then” Alex grinned at me

I roll my eyes at him. This is so awkward for me but it seems like they’re both enjoying it which is ironic.

“So, you only met Sandra this year?” my mom asked

“Surprisingly, yes” Alex answered

“He wouldn’t even know me if he didn’t become my Calculus seat mate” I mutter

“Yes, and I am grateful that you became my seatmate or else, I could have never met a wonderful girl like you” Alex announced with no shame

What the hell? He’s like, in front of my mother. Isn’t he shy or something?

My mom laughed

“Those are really strong words young man” she said while giggling

“I know, that’s why I am using those words” Alex said and smiled to me

I blush bright red. This is so embarrassing. I am with my mom, who is completely in love with Alex now and I can predict that she will push me to him.

And then, I have Alex, taking advantage of the fact that my mom doesn’t hate him. Agh.
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sooo, I am kinda sad that I didn't get the 15 comments that I asked for in the last update. hmph :(

Anyway, at least I got some new commenters. That's good enough, I guess. Oh, yeah, I posted another one shot. This one is different from the others because it's an original. It is my first time to write an original story so I hope you guys try reading it!

The way you make me feel will never leave my mind

Make my comment count reach up to 685 and I may update faster ok? :) There are over a thousand of you reading this, This should be easy!
