I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 72

“I really had fun tonight. Its great to meet your mom” Alex said as he stepped out the door

“Yeahp it’s obvious” I say sarcastically

“Aww, what’s with the tone?” Alex pouted

“Nothing nothing.” I mutter

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow at school?” he smiled

“Yes. Of course”

“Don’t forget Saturday Okay?” he said as he walked on the pathway, leaving me no chance to answer him

I sigh and shut the door

“Alex is a nice guy, I approve of him honey” my mom suddenly told me as I enter the kitchen

“Mom, I am not asking for your approval” I plainly say

“Well, you may need it for the future. I see chemistry between the two of you” my mom smiled to me

“Whatever.” I muter under my breath

“Why didn’t you tell me about him?” she asked as she wiped some plates

“Maybe because he’s not really that interesting to tell you about” I responded

“Aww, come on honey. He’s really sweet. You need someone like him after Mark”

Here comes the topic of Mark again. I hate it whenever I hear his name. All the memories just flood right back to me.

“I don’t really know if Alex is the right person for me after Mark mom. See, Alex doesn’t have a good record with girls in our school”

“Oh, really? But I like the vibe he brings in the house and the way he looks at you is very genuine. It looks like he really wants you”

I blush slightly as she mentioned the way Alex looked at me. How did he look at me anyway? Jess also told me that as well. Why do they all notice it except for me?

“Well, mom, I’ve got homework to do” I sigh and I stand up

“All right then honey. All I can advice you is to give him a chance Ok?” she said as I exit the room

Why the hell does everyone think that the idea of me and Alex is a great idea? Now even my mom thinks that way. It’s kinda annoying already.

I crash on my bed and looked up the ceiling, I glance at my opened window and caught the sight of Alex again. He looked like he was doing homework or something. It’s kinda strange that every time I see him through my window, I always spot him writing.

A random thought entered my mind. Alex came into my house so much times already and I never came in his house yet. That’s really unfair. Maybe I’ll crash his house one time.


Oh my God. Why do I feel so nervous right now? I mean, yes, our date is tomorrow already but it’s still tomorrow. It’s not today yet. Why am I so tensed about it? What the hell.

“Sash? Hello? Are you okay?” Jess waved her hand to my face which made me snap out of my anxious thoughts

“Uh, ye-yeah, I am fine” I mutter

“You look nervous. Why?” she questioned

“No I am not” I lied

“Yes you are! Oh my! You’re nervous about your date tomorrow!” she accused

I hate it that she knows everything!

“No!” I denied

“Yes you are! I see it in your face!” she pointed at me as she started laughing

“Fine then. You know everything anyway. I hate it that I can never fool you” I say softly

“Aww, don’t worry Sasha, I’ll help you through it! I’ll make you pretty and everything!” she soothed me

“That doesn’t change anything Jess” I said sarcastically

“Oh! That hurt right here!” she said as she motioned to her chest

I rolled my eyes and smiled a little

“There! At least you’re smiling already!” she cheered

“Why is it a big thing that Sash is smiling?” I suddenly hear Jason’s voice

“Uh, hey Jason! Long time no see!” I greeted him

“Hey!” Jess smiled to him

“So, what’s with the whole smiling thing?” he asked again

“Well, Sash here is nervous about her date with Alex tomorrow” Jess said wearing a smirk

Jason’s face darkened a bit after hearing

“You—you’re going on a date with Alex?” he asked softly

“Uh, yeah. He asked me so I had to say yes. He was starting to irritate me already actually” I said, trying to be funny because Jason suddenly became serious

“Oh” was all he said

There was an awkward silence. Thank God Jack came over and started chatting with Jess who surely felt the tension with Jason. She shot me a questioning look and I just shrug my shoulders, not clearly knowing why Jason unexpectedly became serious.

“Ar— are you OK?” I ask Jason after a few more minutes of his silence

He lifted his head and nodded

“Yeah, sure” he smiled a little. I knew that he was just trying to smile. I can see that the smile was fake.

“Ok then. You can tell me anything you know, like, if you have a problem or something. We are friends right?”

“Yeah, sure, friends” he muttered and stood up

“I gotta go. I might be late for class” he told me and walked away, not giving me a chance to answer

“What’s with him?” I whisper to myself

“It’s you Sash” Jess answered my question to myself

“What do you mean?”

“He likes you” Jack said

“WHAT? No way” I say with a shocked face

“Yes he does” Jess insisted

“How do you know? And why do I never notice?! First it was Alex then now Jason?” I half yelled at both of them, gaining me some stares from nearby people

“Shush a bit will you? We don’t want to get the attention of the whole canteen you know” Jack hissed to me

“Sorry, I am just so confused” I whisper

“Sash, like I told you before, you’re really attracting and a lot of guys around school would love to date you. Jason is just one of those unknown guys.”

“I don’t believe this. First I was worrying about my date tomorrow then now, I have to worry about hurting Jason’s feelings! Why can’t I have a guy friend who is not attracted to me?!” I whined

“You have me!” Jack chuckled

“Right, of course.” I said sarcastically

“Sash, just ignore Jason for now OK? Let him be first. All you have to be happy about now is your date tomorrow alright?” Jess smiled to me

“Okay” I said softly

“Promise me you’ll have fun tomorrow and not ruin the date?” she said sternly

“I promise” I mutter like a child
♠ ♠ ♠
Congratulations guys, YOU MADE THE CUT! (: ahaha, I was kinda surprise that it took you guys so long, but hey, at least you mad e it right? thanks to all the new commenters! DATE will be in the next update

comment for now!
