I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 74

I finally finished eating the heavy breakfast Alex cooked. I was really full. I freshen up and picked a good outfit to wear. All along I thought Jess would be the one worrying about how I’ll look like but here I am, picking the stuff I will wear for today.

I settle on a green tank top and tight jeans. I also wore accessories for a change. I usually don’t wear bracelets or necklaces but I did today just so I can look more feminine.

I sigh as I stare at myself at the mirror.

“Whatever, I don’t care if he doesn’t like how I look like. He can call the date off if he hates it that much” I whisper to myself as I walk out the room

I walk down the stairs and looked around for Alex. Where is he? As of on cue, he popped out form the kitchen and looked at me. He just stared like there was something wrong with my face. Did I do something erroneous?

“What’s wrong?” I quietly ask him finally getting down the stairs

“No— nothing. You just look so stunning. That’s all” he muttered

I blush bright red and nodded

“Sha—shall we go now?” he asked nervously

“Yeah sure.”

We both walk out the door, he skipped to his car and opened the door for me

“Thanks” I laugh a little bit as I went in the car. This is really weird. He actually opened the door for me.

He went in the car and started the engine

“So, where are you planning to take me now?” I ask him as he started driving

“That’s a secret. You’ll know” he said with an evil smirk

“I hate secrets” I whine

“You’ll love this” he smiled at me and then focused his eyes on the road again

“Fine but this better be good” I warned him and all he did was chuckle.

He pulled over in a deserted place. All I could see was a patch of land and some trees.

“Where did you take me?” I ask, looking around

“Let’s go?” was all he said opening the door for me

I step out and gave him a questioning look


“Come” he grabbed my arm and then opened the car trunk revealing a mess

“What is this?” I ask him a little annoyed now

“We’re going roller blading!” he exclaimed as he held a pair of shoes with wheels

I look at him with a blank expression

“Are you serious?” I mutter

“Yeah! It’s fun!” he said with so much excitement

“I don’t know how… I don’t know how to roller blade” I said softly and then blushed a little. This is so embarrassing

“Don’t worry, I am here to teach you” he smirked as he handed me a pair of roller blades

“What if I can’t control it? I don’t want to bump into random stuff” I said with so much fear

“I am here, don’t worry. I wont let you get hurt.” He smiled and then offered his hand to me

My hands were shaking and my legs were quivering.

I held on his hand tightly.

“You’re shaking” he said as he led me

“I am seriously scared” I whisper

He laughed and then loosened his grip on me a little

“Don’t let go” I plead as I tightened my grasp on him

He chuckled “You’re gonna have to let go some time Sandra. How are you going to have fun if you’ll hold on to me the whole time?”

“Just, not now OK? I don’t want to fall down” I stutter

“You’re cute when you’re scared. I like the faces you make” he beamed

“You’re doing this to scare me!!” I accuse

“No way! I did this because it’s fun!”

“It’s not! It’s terrifying!”

“You’ll only have fun if you let go of my hand”

“Fine, if that’s what you want” I quickly let go of his hand, a little pissed

“Sandra, care—“

At the instant I let go, I lost balance and I stumbled. I fell straight on my butt. I was so shocked and I just looked up to him with wide eyes.

Right after that, all I could hear was Alex’s laughter.

“That was is hilarious and cute at the same time!” he said as he held on his stomach while laughing

I roll my eyes and struggled to stand up. I fell down again.

“Shit” I mutter

“Here, let me help you” he said, still laughing. He offered his hand to me and I quickly took it.

“Thanks” I said, finally stand up

“Don’t just let go so fast. Let me help you okay?” he told me

“Alright” I said softly

“So, first of all, you have to learn how to balance and control the wheels. It’s really quite simple once you get a hang of it. Copy what I’ll do” he said then roller bladed around

“I can’t do that” I said watching him

“Of course you can!” he assured me as he offered his hand to me again

I reluctantly took it and he guided me. I was getting used to it already as he slowly let loose of my hands. First my left then now little by little, my right one.

I held his hand tighter as he let go of it.

“Sandra, you can do it” he encouraged

With that, I let him slowly let go of my hand already. After a few minutes, I realized that I wasn’t holding his hand anymore and I was still standing up. I didn’t fall at all! I smiled wider as I started to blade around.

“Alex! I did it! I am actually blading!” I yell to him with a huge grin on my face

“I told you, you could do it!”

I smile to him as I bladed to him. I spinned a little and smirked.

“Whoa there girl. No need to show-off you abilities!”

“Just a little trick I figured I could do” I say to him putting my hands around my hips

“You’re a fast learner”

“Thanks to your encouragement” I said then smacked his chest a lightly

We bladed around and I understood why he brought me to a deserted place. We had a lot of space to move around and it was so windy because of the tress.

I realized that it was sunset already. We have been blading the whole day and I didn’t even realize it. We both stopped the sat on the ground to watch the wonderful sunset.

“It’s so breathtaking” I said with awe

“This is one of the reasons why I brought you here. The sunset is so natural and perfect just like you” he smiled to me.

I could see his face through the orange light of the setting sun. His features are different from the Alex I see in school.

He looks so innocent and sincere.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm, what do you think? hahah, well, the entire date isn't finish yet, if you are curious. I have stuff to add in the next update :D Thanks to the new commenters! YAY for all of you who commented! You guys made me HAPPY! If you haven't commented yet, I suggest you do! The author (which is ME) loves it.
