I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 76

“So, tell me, how long have you been writing?” I ask him

“Hmm, actually, I started freshman year a bit then I stopped halfway that year. I don’t know why. I just suddenly stopped. It’s not that I didn’t like it anymore. I just had nothing good to write about and I was distracted with other things as well”

“Oh, so when did you start writing again?”

“The day I met you. You gave me inspiration and strength to write” he smiled

“I am glad that I motivated you to write again. I can say that you are a great writer based on the song you just sung a while ago”

“Anyway, enough of me, now, I shall give you my part of the bargain!” he said excitedly as he pulled a big pint of cookies and cram ice cream. “Here ya go, it’s all yours” he smirked

“Ohmy! Thanks! This is so huge!” I exclaim

“I promised to have cookies and cream ice cream in our date and here it is. Eat up!” he cheered

I grabbed two spoons and handed him one

“Eat it with me” I told him

“Wha— but I bought that for you” he said perplexed

“I want you to eat it with me! I can’t eat all of this” I tell him as I put a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth

“O-Kay then. Whatever you want” he smiled and scooped himself a handful of ice cream

“You still think chocolate is better than this?” I ask him, pointing to the pint of ice cream

“Yeahp. Chocolate is definitely better than this” he said with a playful voice

“I can convert you on a day” I threaten him

“No way. I am loyal to my chocolate ice cream!” he teased


We unbelievingly finished the huge pint of ice cream. It was strange that we both finished it. It was abnormally enormous.

“Wow, that is one good ice cream” I declare as I lay down on the blanket

“Not as good as my chocolate ice cream though” he sighed lying down beside me

I scoff and rolled over to face him

“But you still ate more than I ate” I said then pinched his cheeks

“Hey! What did you do that for?” he asked as he sat back and touched his cheek that I pinched

“Nothing, I just wanted to do it. What’s wrong with that?” I smile to him and sat as well

“Oh, I know now. You just think that I am so cute that you couldn’t stop yourself anymore. You just had to pinch my lovable face” he cooed

“So not that” I laughed as how high he thought of himself

“Don’t worry, I find you cute too! He scooted nearer to me and pinched both my cheeks using both his hands. I honestly felt like a baby being played with.

“Hey! That hurts!” I whine as he continue to squeeze both my cheeks

“Now you know how it feels” he chuckled

“I didn’t pinch you with both my hands and I only did it for a second. You squeezed my poor cheeks for a minute!” I exclaim as I massage my cheeks

“Aww, sorry Sandra! You’re just too adorable. You’re like a cuddly teddy bear!” he said and then hugged me tightly causing us to lay straight back on the blanket. I fell below him. He looked into my eyes for an exact five seconds then he immediately pulled away and lay down beside me.

“Sorry about that” he breathed

“Tha—that’s okay” I whisper back a little taken aback by the way he responded to it.

Why was he so startled? We’ve been closer than that previously. We already kissed for heaven’s sake.

Why does he freak out like that?
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think? Sorry, this one is a filler :( I am happier now because I got more comments! I was somehow energized from the last update!


comment and make me UPDATE!

Oh, yeah, just in case you guys don't know yet, I finished my William Beckett story already and I have posted the sequel. If you guys haven't read it yet, here's a link:
Why would we change a thing?

AND, I am just adding this last part. I heard that MJ died. :/ I am so late sometimes. Anyway, I loved him and his amazing moves. REST IN PEACE.