I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 77

We finally arrive home and he stopped in front of my house. Looks like my mom’s not home again.

“Home alone again?” he asked as he turned off the engine

“Yeah I guess” I sigh

“I really had fun today Sandra. I hope you did too” he smiled and unlocked the doors

“I also had a blast. This is by far the best and most amazing date I ever got” I tell him

“Really? The best?” he asked with a sparkle in his eyes

“Yeahp. Congratulations Alex, you have impressed me in ways beyond I ever imagined”

“I am so psyched I made you happy!” he exclaimed and went out the car

He jogged in front the car and then opened the my door for me

“Thanks” I smirk at him on how gentleman he is being “Do you always open the door for the girl in first dates?” I ask as we walk to my door

“Nope. Only for you” he said rather too confidently

“Ohh. I feel special then”

“You are” he muttered as we step on my porch

“Well, I really had fun today and I hope we can do it again” I tell him putting the key in the doorknob. I was about to open the door when Alex suddenly grabbed my arm and turned me around

“I— did you just say that you wanted to do this again? Like another date?” he asked

“Uh, yeah, of course. It should be fun right?”

“Rea—really? Like a second date?” he said with a higher pitch

“Yes Alex” I rolled my eyes as how childish he was acting

“Whoa! I scored another date with you! Yay!” Alex jumped and gave me a hug again.

What’s with him and his suffocating hugs?

I laugh softly and hugged back this time. The hug lasted longer than I expected it should. It loosened a bit but he was still hugging me. I felt like he was just doing it to get close to me. I was also just hugging him for the sake of it. I became accustomed to it already that I felt comfortable being this close to him. He slowly let go and pulled away.

“I like hugging you” he whispered to me

“As surprising as it may sound, I am starting to like it as well” I say as I blush a little.

His face was just inches away from mine. Was he going to kiss me? Oh my God, I am not ready for this just yet. He leaned closer but then stopped a few millimeters away. I could feel his breath on my lips by now. That’s how close he is. He smiled and then suddenly looked up to my hair and put some stray strands behind my ear. After that, he stepped back and held both my hands.

“I am overjoyed that you want to go to another date with me. Take care of your beautiful self Okay?” he whispered and then kissed my hands. He immediately let go of it and then walked away to his car.

He didn’t kiss me at all. Well, he did but not an intimate one. I was thinking too much. My God, my imagination is so wild. Why did I think that he would actually kiss me?

Or did something deep inside me shouted for him to kiss me?

I walked into my house in a trance. I was still floating from what had just happened. Even though he didn’t kiss me, I feel like he actually did. He gave me a very strange feeling that I had never felt before. I really like him now. I am so sure of it. I can’t refute this feeling anymore.

I slowly go up my room and crashed on my bed. Can I even sleep after what had just happened? I have a feeling that I am going to think of how his lips would have felt on mine all night.

Alex’s P.O.V

What the hell did I just do? I should have kissed her straight away. I am such a coward. I am a little scared that if I kissed her on our first official date, she would freak out on me and I don’t want that to happen. Agh, I was so close on kissing her already. She didn’t pull away so maybe she also wanted to kiss me. I am such an idiot sometimes! I respect her too much that I wouldn’t want to go too fast on her. She might freak out anytime. Sandra isn’t just any ordinary girl and I want to be careful about her. I wouldn’t want to scare her or turn her off by going too fast. She deserves my respect.

“AGH I want to kiss her again so much” I whisper as I collapse on my bed

I smile to myself as how beautiful she looked like today. It’s obvious that she didn’t really prepare her clothes but she still looked pretty. She is a classic example of a simple yet elegant lady and I love her for that.

Sandra’s P.O.V

I groan as I toss myself around the bed. I totally cannot sleep! I thought of what I could do to make myself sleep. AHA! The CD Alex gave me!

I stood up and put the CD in the player. I pressed play and I hear his voice. I smile upon hearing his little message for me

“Uh, hey Sandra. So, this CD is for you. I composed and wrote every song that is in here especially for you. Maybe I already said this earlier on our date but what the hell, I’ll say it again. You inspired me to write once more. I am so happy that I met you and I would really love to be the guy you want to rely on and the guy you may eventually love because I already do feel that way for you. I hope that every time you listen to these songs, you remember me”

“Oh my god” I whisper to myself. I am teary eyed now. This is the most touching thing I’ve ever heard.

With that, I heard the song he sung to me previously that night.

I look at the cover and saw that there are five songs in it.

The very first song, the one he sang to me a while ago was called Hit the Lights

Hit the lights
The Party Scene
My ParadiseSix
Feet Under The Stars
Remembering Sunday

I love ever song I heard. It was obvious that all of it was written by Alex. It was amazing how all of these songs were inspired by me. Alex was an amazing writer. I liked the song remembering Sunday the most next to Hit the Lights. I liked how the lyrics were written.

He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes
Started making his way past two in the morning
He hasn't been sober for days

Leaning now into the breeze
Remembering Sunday, he falls to his knees
They had breakfast together
But two eggs don't last
Like the feeling of what he needs

Now this place seems familiar to him
She pulled on his hand with a devilish grin
She led him upstairs, she led him upstairs
Left him dying to get in

Forgive me, I'm trying to find
My calling, I'm calling at night
I don't mean to be a bother,
But have you seen this girl?
She's been running through my dreams
And it's driving me crazy, it seems
I'm going to ask her to marry me

Even though she doesn't believe in love,
He's determined to call her bluff
Who could deny these butterflies?
They're filling his gut

Waking the neighbors, unfamiliar faces
He pleads though he tries
But he's only denied
Now he's dying to get inside

Well I guess I'll go home now...
I guess I'll go home now...
I guess I'll go home now...
I guess I'll go home
♠ ♠ ♠
I intentionally edited the song, for the story’s sake. You guys will know why I had to remove some parts soon enough if you just stick for a little while!

Hmm, so guys, I got a feedback that this story isn’t as good anymore. That made me sad but I thank that reader for the honesty. Well, maybe that’s why comments went down a few chapters ago (But I am happy that it went up again though). As I said before, I am open to anyone’s opinion and I will try to make this story better. I don’t recall this person commenting at least once before (this is her first time to comment on this story, as far as I know) and I am glad that she finally commented and told me what she thought about it.

I really just think that the story became uncontrollably long. I was supposed to cut it but then I couldn’t find a right time to do it. It would be weird if I finish it up so fast right?

Anyway, thanks for that feedback. I am happy that that you guys are still reading this story! THANKS to the CONSTANT commenters I have! I LOVE YOU ALL. You give me energy and inspiration to write. Thanks for the new commenters!