I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 8

The rest of the morning sucked because I was dreading Calculus. I quickly went out of the second period classroom and walked to the third period. I realized that I was early. No one was in the classroom yet. That happens whenever I am anxious about something. I tend to move faster.

“Great. Now I am too early” I decided to listen to my ipod while waiting. I blasted the music to the loudest and waited for everyone else to arrive. I was having a good time. Music can calm me down whenever I was nervous. Someone suddenly removed my left earphone and I automatically turned around, only to see Alex, of all the people. Shit, yeah, it was Calculus. I forgot. I look at him with a question on my face.

“Uh, hey, sorry if I disturbed you but I was getting bored of sitting here so I just decided to try and talk to you” he smiled

“How long have you been here?” I asked, hoping that he didn’t hear my humming with the music.

“Uh, about fifteen minutes? I was afraid to you’ll get pissed again if I disturbed you but it was really boring. I needed to talk to someone.” He muttered

He sounded like he was afraid of something.

Then it came to me, that means he heard me. I blush and nodded to try to hide it. What will we talk about? We’ve never socialized with each other before. I doubt he even knew my name up until yesterday when he introduced himself and I was obliged to do that as well.

“So, Sandra right?”


“I’ve never seen you around here before. Are you new?”

“Actually I’ve been studying here ever since first grade” I answered blankly, knowing that he’ll never really recognize me because he was too busy dating the whole female population of our school.

“Really? I never noticed you! I feel like an idiot now.” He exclaimed

“I try to keep a low profile” I responded

“Ohh, well, I am glad that you’re my seatmate! I think you’re fun” he grinned

“Right.” I answered not really listening anymore

He looked at me weirdly again and smiled

“I also just knew yesterday that you live next door to me. I felt stupid just to know now. I didn’t know you went to the same school as I did. I saw you through your window and noticed that you were familiar, then it hit me, you were my seatmate and neighbor.”

“Life’s full of surprises.” I said not shocked that he still didn’t know that

“You’re not much of a talker huh?” he asked

“Nah, I am usually talkative with the people I know.” I simply answered

“Well, you know me right?”

“I only knew you for like 24 hours” I plainly answered

“But you know me now!”

“As a classmate, Alex” I felt like I was talking to a pre-schooler

“Oh right of course. Well, we can be friends right? That way you can open up to me about yourself more!” he said, excited

“Right. That depends though”

He looked shocked, “Why?”

“Depends if we can click as friends I just don’t automatically become friends with random people just because they asked me they wanted us to be friends”

“Oh, yeah, of course” he seemed confused. I bet he’s not used to this kind of treatment. Usually, girls approached him and flirted with him without him exerting any effort at all. They literally threw themselves to him.

There was silence then the room started to be filled with students. I sighed and turned my ipod off. Thank God they’re here now; I was starting to get bored. The teacher walked in and started to give away papers.

“This will be a test to see how much you have learned for the past three years of your high school. It will help me to be flexible enough on teaching all of you. It will tell me your weaknesses and strengths. You may start now”
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okay, since i got additional subscribers, i updated :) honestly, i wasn't supposed to update, but then, i decided to just to do it for the additional people who subscribed :D

thanks for subscribing and commenting! sadly, out of the readers and subscribers i have, only two people constantly comment! :( that's really sad because comments make me happier and it makes me have energy to update. guys, come on, just one comment please?? this story actually has more subscribers than my other story but it gets fewer comments which i don't understand :C

You guys can try to read my other story too. it's a William Beckett story. i hope you like it as much as you like this :))


..and OH, there was one additional person who commented too! I LOVE YOU TOO!