I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

Chapter 9

Everyone groaned and complained but started answering nevertheless. I found the test okay. It wasn’t really that hard. I mean, it had mostly everything we studied the past three years of high school. Some were hard because I completely forgot the lesson but some were just a piece of cake. The bell rang and we passed our papers.

“Damn, that was some hard shit” Alex said looking at me “how’d you find it?”

I shrug, “its fine. Some parts were hard”

“SOME parts only? Shit I am so dumb. I found everything hard” he whispered

That’s what you get for dating everyone. I thought. But of course I said something comforting to him. “That’s ok; I bet you just forgot the lessons”

“Yeah, I guess. Damn I’m fucking failing that test”

“You’re not dumb” I stated while gathering my books. “I gotta go” I said and swiftly walked towards the door.

“Wait!” I hear him say just as I was going to open the door. He grabbed my arm and smiled

“What’s your next class?”

“Uh, history, I think?”

“Hey, that’s mine too! Can I walk with you?”

“Uhh, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Maybe you can just walk with your friends.” I suggested

“But you’re my friend now right?” he pouted

“Yeah but-“

“Hey! No more buts. I wanna walk with you” he said. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out the classroom. I was shocked for his sudden rant. Wow what a kid. He wants everything to always be done his way.

“Alex, can you at least let go of my wrist? Your grip is too tight” I said while he dragged me through the hallway. His grip loosened and he stopped walking causing me to stagger at him.

“Sorry” I said as I separate myself from him

“No, it’s my fault, I suddenly stopped. Sorry for holding your wrist too tight” he said with an apologetic voice.

“That’s fine. Just, don’t do it again”

“I guess I am just not use to getting rejected” he whispered

I felt slightly bad because that was exactly what I was doing to him. I just didn’t wanna hang out with him that much. I am not comfortable with him.

“Uhh, I wasn’t rejecting you” I said, trying to be convincing

Right. Well. Whatever. I think we should hurry up before we get late” he said and stretched his hand in front of me

“Ladies first?”

I smiled and walked ahead. He managed to catch up now; we looked like we were walking together. I entered the room with Alex beside me. I can feel glares of all the girls in the room. Wow, nice welcoming vibe in here. I scanned the room to look for Jess. I finally saw her. At least she wasn’t glaring. She looked petrified though. I walked towards her but Alex stopped me by grabbing my arm again.

“We should do this more” he smiled

“Uh, I’ll think about it?”

“I’ll be waiting Sandra”

“Okay” I said and walked away
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Hey guys! i am happy that i got two additional comments from two different people :) thanks for listening to me and giving me the little favor i asked.

so, for the sake of the two people who commented, i updated. Honestly, i wasn't gonna update until i get at least two new comments from other people. i know, it's bad, but i want to know what you guys think :( i mean, just TWO people constantly comment. i was beginning to think that they were the only ones really reading the story.

anyway, i will try to update tomorrow, but I'll just try. lots of school shit now :((